Re: [Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)

2009-12-28 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Parrikar,
I tend to think that Oscar Rebello's mea culpa has been done with an eye 
towards a future political run. 
He has gained name recognition with tacit help from the press.
The Goan press is compromised by its incestuous relationships to 
politicians, developers, mining and vested interests.
Were it not so, it would have long since been reporting on the destruction of 
Goa; on the corruption, bribes and kickbacks to the goan politicos; 
on unsustainable mega-housing developments; on the careful nurturing of migrant 
vote banks; on promotion of tourism, casinos ..etc.
Not given to investigative journalism exposing and documenting corruptive 
practices in the goan government, the goan press - quaintly referred to as 
"journos" - can be counted on instead to provide photo-ops and 
cushions for these reprehensible politicians.
As you know and I know, and those in Goa know, attention to the destruction of 
Goa has come primarily from the concerned citizenry.  
Not the Goan Press.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

From: Rajan P. Parrikar 
Subject: [Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)
Date: Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:01 PM

To Goanet -

Cabal's footsie dances

In his article `The Drums of War' (Herald, 23 Dec), Dr Oscar Rebello 
confesses that he and the GBA "danced footsie" with Digambar Kamat's 
government. While this may come as a shocking revelation to some, 
I had been writing about it in Goan electronic forums for well over 
a year. To those of us who had observed the strange workings of 
the then GBA convener Dr Rebello and the rest of the GBA cabal, it 
was lamentably clear that the movement had been compromised. 
Goans were being tricked from virtually day one by traitors within 
the GBA.

Well, now that the truth is out, when is Dr Rebello going to apologise 
to the people of Goa for betraying the movement he was chosen to 
lead? Who gave GBA the mandate to collude with the very government 
it was formed to take on, the very government that has brought Goa 
to the edge of the precipice? Why is the Goan press silent about this 
major development?

Rajan Parrikar, USA

[By the way, the correct phrase is "to play footsie." - r]


[Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)

2009-12-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Cabal's footsie dances

In his article `The Drums of War' (Herald, 23 Dec), Dr Oscar Rebello 
confesses that he and the GBA "danced footsie" with Digambar Kamat's 
government. While this may come as a shocking revelation to some, 
I had been writing about it in Goan electronic forums for well over 
a year. To those of us who had observed the strange workings of 
the then GBA convener Dr Rebello and the rest of the GBA cabal, it 
was lamentably clear that the movement had been compromised. 
Goans were being tricked from virtually day one by traitors within 
the GBA.

Well, now that the truth is out, when is Dr Rebello going to apologise 
to the people of Goa for betraying the movement he was chosen to 
lead? Who gave GBA the mandate to collude with the very government 
it was formed to take on, the very government that has brought Goa 
to the edge of the precipice? Why is the Goan press silent about this 
major development?

Rajan Parrikar, USA

[By the way, the correct phrase is "to play footsie." - r]