A few weeks ago, Goa Sudharop made an appeal on behalf of a high school student 
who wanted to go to her high school prom. Her father passed away a few years 
ago and the family copes without his income. Thanks to your generosity, $905 
was raised and the mother and daughter (anonymous) have sent thank you messages 
to the donors, see below. Please note Goa Sudharop treats all donors as 
anonymous unless they explicitly indicate otherwise, even the recipients do not 
know donor names.

Since the amount collected exceeded what was required for a high school prom, 
the excess is being put to good use and paying for her initial college expenses.

Thank you from the mother:
XXXX and myself would like to thank you very much for the check.  We really 
appreciated from our hearts, it was put to a good use.  Thank you so much & God 

Thank you from the high school student:
Thank you very much for the check. We appreciate it very much. I will use the 
additional money for college expenses and it will be put to good use. Again, 
thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you all.

Goa Sudharop

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