2016-02-03 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The President of Cuncolim People's Forum Mr. Santana Piedade Afonso has
today filed a complaint at the Margao Police Station against the Special
Public Prosecutor Adv Rajeev Gomes for being a Portuguese National and for
having committed criminal offences amongst others under the Citizenship
Act, 1955, Representation of People's Act and Section 177, 181, 419 and 420
of IPC of the Indian Penal Code.

And now my friend Rajeev Gomes should not accuse me of being behind this
complaint. I have never met or ever even spoken to Mr. Santana Piedade
Afonso. If I wanted to file a complaint, I would have filed the complaint
myself, as I always done over the last forty years. Never under somebody
else’s name.


*From: *

*Mr. Santana Piedade Afonso*


*Cuncolim Peoples Forum*

*Premier Gaunto Comba Centre,*

*Cuncolim, Salcete, Goa.*

*Mobile No: 9765995051*

*3rd February 2016*

*To, *

*Police Inspector,*

*Margao Police Station*


*Sub**: Criminal complaint against Special Public Prosecutor Adv.Rajeev
Savio Gomes for having committed criminal offences amongst others under the
Citizenship Act, 1955, and Section 177, 181, 419 and 420 of IPC of the
Indian Penal   Code and under the Representation of People’s Act *

*Sir,  I hereby lodge  my complaint against Adv. Rajeev Gomes, son of
Antonio Carlos Lucas Casiano Gomes, aged 43 years, (d.o.b. 28.11.1973)
Portuguese National, advocate resident of H.No.77/B, Aquem, Alto, Margao,
Goa and having office at Margao, for having committed offences under the
Citizenship Act, 1955, and Sections 177, 181, 419 and 420 of IPC of the
Indian Penal Code besides Representation of People’s Act.  ADV. RAJEEV
Rajeev Gomes is a Portuguese National/Citizen. He is not an Indian
National/Citizen.  The birth of Rajeev Savio Gomes was registered in the
Central Registry of Births, Marriage and Deaths of Lisbon, Portugal as
Assento de Nascimento No.1036066 /2010 on 15th April 2010. A Copy of the
Portuguese Birth Certificate is annexed herewith.  *

*Adv. Rajeev Savio Gomes after the registration of his birth at Lisbon,
Portugal, has obtained various Portuguese citizen cards i.e. Bilhete de
Identidade (Identity Card) and Cartao de Cidadao (Citizen Card and a
Portuguese Passport.*

*Information sought from the Conservatoria dos registos Centrais Lisboa and
the relevant information about the registration details of Adv.Rajeev Savio
Gomes was furnished which makes it amply clear that Adv.Rajeev Savio Gomes
is a Portuguese National and not an Indian citizen.*

*It is therefore clear from the above that Mr. Rajeev Savio Gomes, whose
birth has been registered in Portugal since 2010 is a Portuguese
National/Citizen and an Elector (Voter) in Lisbon, Portugal, till date.
Foreigners/aliens are not entitled to be registered as voters and vote in
India.  Only Citizens of India are entitled to be registered as voters.
  Further Adv.Rajeev Savio Gomes has been illegally staying in this country
and also practicing under the licence issued by the Bar Counsel of
Maharashtra.  There is no proper authorization obtained by him to justify
his continuous stay in this country and has also violated the immigration
law of the country.*

*Adv.Rajeev Savio Gomes has fraudulently represented the State of Goa in
two famous cases, i.e. Ruby Residency Case and the Louis Berger Case.  He
is prohibited from representing a Government of which he is not a citizen
and shielding such vital information amounts to misrepresentation which
attracts penal action against Adv.Rajeev Savio Gomes.  He has also got
monetary benefits from the State Government to represent the State in the
above cases.  All this amounts to gross violation of the vary law itself.
Adv.Rajeev Savio Gomes instead of being a custodian of law has himself
committed a mockery of law and the authorities. Even as per Section 7B (2)
(f) of the Citizenship Act, 1955, which was incorporated in the Citizenship
Act, 1955, by Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, which came into force from
January 7, 2004, an overseas citizen of India is not entitled to the rights
conferred on a citizen of India under Section 16 of the Representation of
the People Act, 1950, in regard to registration as a voter. *

*Adv.Rajeev Savio Gomes holds an Epic Card bearing No.GA/02/030/003257
(details annexed) and has also illegally exercised his franchise even at
the recent Margao Municipal elections.*

*It is therefore clear from the above that Adv. Rajeev Savio Gomes is
illegally registered as a voter in the electoral roll of the State of Goa.
It is obvious that Adv. Rajeev Savio Gomes has misrepresented himself to be
a citizen of India and obtained illegal registration as a 

Re: [Goanet] Goa with a Portuguese special public prosecutor

2016-02-03 Thread Eugene Correia
This dhirrio or Portuguese coorridinho, as Dr. Oscar Rebello puts it in his
Letter to the Editor, Oheraldo, between Rajeev Gomes and Aires Rodrigues is
likely to get funny. Though legalistically, it has to come to its logical

If I am right, the Goa govt or the Indian govt said that mere registration
of birth in Portugal doesn't make one a Portuguese national. it was obvious
that BJP wanted to save Caitu, and other MLAs from "disqualification."
 Even alleagations were raised on some members of Churchill's family.

Steps in Santana, and the case is going to be a headache for the police.
Better the central govt gives its ruling over this matter. As much as
Portugal says it's India's internal matter, it has washed its hands.

This Portuguese legacy is a nightmare. Its scope is getting wider, and the
interests of all the litigants and those living in suspense would be
addressed if the govt. or the courts come out with its decision. Can this
Portuguese issue be raised in the Supere Court?

There will be much dilly-dallying and it's unlikely the decision will come
before the next polls. It would be best if all those staying in Goa and
India with Portuguese passports should be given a chance to renounce
Portuguese naationality and reclaim Indian cigizenship or given a chance to
opt for OCI.

As for working for the govt or voting, the court or Indian govt. can come
out with annoucements or amend the citizenship act. A closure must be
brought to this nagging question before patience runs out.

Eugene Correia

[Goanet] Goa with a Portuguese special public prosecutor

2016-02-03 Thread Bernado Colaco
Where is the 35,000 crores not accounted for until this day? Those who have 
done away with this money are criminals not one poor chap who has reobtained 
his Portuguese nationality who after 61 was forced to become a bharat citizen. 
Bharat should sit down an reassess what they did in the dark day of December 
1961. All these problems are caused by those who want the riches of Goa. 
After the hand over of HK and Macau and those holding Bridish and Portuguese 
citizenship are not forced to renounce it. Instead they got a residency card 
for  staying 7 years continuously in these special administered regions of 
China. Residency card holders can vote, buy apartments and use the document to 
exit the region. They can also participate in legislative elections.
Therefore the ball is in the court of bharat like Portugal rightly says.

This dhirrio or Portuguese coorridinho, as Dr. Oscar Rebello puts it in his
Letter to the Editor, Oheraldo, between Rajeev Gomes and Aires Rodrigues is
likely to get funny. Though legalistically, it has to come to its logical

If I am right, the Goa govt or the Indian govt said that mere registration
of birth in Portugal doesn't make one a Portuguese national. it was obvious
that BJP wanted to save Caitu, and other MLAs from "disqualification."
 Even alleagations were raised on some members of Churchill's family.

Steps in Santana, and the case is going to be a headache for the police.
Better the central govt gives its ruling over this matter. As much as
Portugal says it's India's internal matter, it has washed its hands.

This Portuguese legacy is a nightmare. Its scope is getting wider, and the
interests of all the litigants and those living in suspense would be
addressed if the govt. or the courts come out with its decision. Can this
Portuguese issue be raised in the Supere Court?

There will be much dilly-dallying and it's unlikely the decision will come
before the next polls. It would be best if all those staying in Goa and
India with Portuguese passports should be given a chance to renounce
Portuguese naationality and reclaim Indian cigizenship or given a chance to
opt for OCI.

As for working for the govt or voting, the court or Indian govt. can come
out with annoucements or amend the citizenship act. A closure must be
brought to this nagging question before patience runs out.

Eugene Correia