Gitmo detainees told US how ISI allowed attacks on IndiaWashington, May 8 (PTI)
The ISI facilitated militants to cross the border to carry out strikes on 
Indian targets chosen by the Pakistan Army, several detainees at the Guantanamo 
Bay facility told US interrogators, according to a fresh set of American 
diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.
The interrogation reports quoted a detainee as saying that ISI "allowed" 
militants to travel to India where they conducted bombings, kidnappings and 
killing of Kashmiri people and the targets were picked up by the Pakistani Army.

The revelations add to Pakistan's embarrassment after Osama bin Laden was found 
living at a million-dollar mansion in the garrison city of Abbottabad.

The US was long aware of the presence of anti-India terror training camps in 
Pakistan with several inmates telling investigators how ISI allowed militants 
to carry attacks in India.

The disclosures are part of 779 interrogation reports from the facility of 
detainees from all over the world and show how a number of detainees were 
linked to anti-India Lashkar-e-Taiba and had received terror training in 

The reports quote detainees from countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria and 
Pakistan as telling interrogators about their recruitment and subsequent 
travelling to Pakistan for terror training before their actual deployment to 
launch attacks against India and also Afghanistan.

An Algerian detainee Abdul Azia admitted he was a member of LeT for which he 
noted that "their mission (was) to kill Indians in India", says a detailed 
report of his interrogation, released by the whistleblower website.

"Detainee is assessed to have recruited in Saudi Arabia and received training 
from the LT in Pakistan. The detainees is further assessed to have participated 
in combat in Kashmir, and then travelled to Afghanistan where he was injured," 
says a note about Azia.
Records of a Pakistani prisoner named Mohammad Anwer showed that he travelled 
to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir    where he attended an LeT 
training camp for 21 days in 1998 and later served in Afghanistan.

"Detainee has been identified through sensitive reporting as a Pakistani Inter 
Service Intelligence Dirctorate agent," the document says.

One of the reports quotes Chaman Gul, an Afghan militant as telling 
investigators about Mast Gul, a former Major of the Pakistani Army, who was "a 
notorious terrorist who fought in Kashmir and planned terror attacks against a 
number of targets in Kabul.
Gul is closely alligned to Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an al Qaeda linked 
group and ISI Directorate.

The detainee claimed that Mast Gul controlled all guerilla activity in Kashmir 
from his home base in Muzaffarabad.


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