FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on Goa's 1967 Opinion Poll
and 50 years later opinions at the 2017 Polls

Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event
to be held on 13th January will focus on Goa's
1967 Opinion Poll and 50 years later opinions
at the 2017 Polls. The discussion is being held
to observe the 50th anniversary of Goa's 1967
Opinion Poll.

The 1967 Opinion Poll is an important milestone
in the history of Post Liberation Goa and its outcome
has resulted in Goa's unique political identity in the
country, first as a Union Territory and then as a
full fledged State.

What were the social, cultural and economic factors
that led to the holding of the 1967 Opinion Poll ?

Was the outcome of the Opinion Poll right or wrong
in the context of Goa today ?

Was enough thought given to the survival of a Union
Territory and its eventual transition to become a small
state in the Indian Union ?

Do the proposals for a Greater Goa, Vishal Gomantak
or Goa today with Special Status deserve merit ?

In the context of Globalization & Liberalization does Goa
need to look at options of having its borders redrawn or
have a special territorial status in the country ?

Since Goa is being developed into a Tourism State are
there strong reasons why Goa should not follow the Hawaii,
Hongkong, Macau or Singapore model of administration ?

These are some of the questions that will be covered
in the discussion.

Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm at the
Goa Desc Resource Centre No.11 Liberty
Apartments, Feira Alta, Mapusa and is open
to members of the public.

Interested citizens who want more information on
Friday Balcao can email fridaybal...@gmail.com
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