Mafia strikes Zuari river Fisheries

Fisheries Department supports loot and plunder

Today August 30, 2023 from 6.00 am onwards there are over 50 cannoes
carrying on illegal purse seine fishing in Zuari river. Fisheries Control
room is inaccessible. It looks to be deliberately disabled to avoid
receiving complaint of these illegalities. Fisheries Patrol boat as well as
marine police patrol boats vanished. They appear in waters only during G 20
without fail.

The entire Fisheries administration is in collapsed state. On August 28,
2023 Secretary (Fisheries) S.S. Gill had assured delegation of Fishermen
from All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union to take action against
this menace. Yet nothing has happened.

The livelihoods of the traditional fishers using legally permitted Gill net
in Zuari stands disrupted. All purse seine fishing nets in Zuari river are
illegal as stated by Fisheries Deputy Director Chandrakant Velip during the
meeting with Fisheries Secretary on August 28, 2023 aa well as as per
department circulars earlier.

Purse seine fishers use computerized fish finders aa well as purse seine
fishing nets with mesh sizes as small as 5 mm that triggers massive fish
depletion catching fish smaller than juveniles.

The repeated incidences of massive illegal fishing is joint failure of
Government of Goa and Government of India who through their acts of
omission promote illegal fishing in Goa. According to officials of Goa
Government such as Chandrakant Velip Goa Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant
is preventing ant strong action against illegal fishing in Zuari river.
There is operating mafia nexus between the Goa Fisheries administration and
those carrying on illegal fishing. Mafia has taken over Governance in Goa.

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