Panjim Table Tennis Club flays Goa Table Tennis Association (GTTA) for
refusing to furnish information sought by it under the RTI Act 2005.

Though the Government of Goa vide its Gazette Notification (Series III
No. 15) has brought all Sports Associations registered with the Sports
Authority of Goa(SAG) under the purview of the RTI Act, Goa Table
Tennis Association has failed to provide information sought by the
Club under the Act. Even basic information such as list of Life
members and affiliated clubs, names of sundry debtors and creditors,
minutes of its Annual General Meetings and Managing committee
meetings, etc is not being furnished which clearly shows that the
Association wants to continue its operations in a hush- hush manner
and under a shroud of secrecy as it has done in the past, caring very
little for transparency and democracy.

This high handed approach by the office bearers of the Association,
who are performing public functions but yet want to be answerable to
none, is highly regrettable and condemnable. The Goa Table Tennis
Association has been committing several illegalities, irregularities,
financial mismanangement and other unconstitutional acts on a
consistent and persistent basis and refusing to part with its
information is a clear sign that this Association has lots to hide and
does not want the skeletons to come tumbling out of all its closets.

There is no reason why this Association which is substantially
financed by the Government/ SAG and which has received grants in lakhs
of rupees should not come under the RTI. Hence the Government/ SAG
must initiate strict action against the Association for not adhering
to the Government guidelines on the RTI Act. Given these severe
violations and gross abuse of power and responsibilities, we urge the
Government to take quick corrective actions which are necessary to
bring greater transparency and accountability into the functioning of
all our Sports Bodies.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

Sandeep Heble
Panjim Table Tennis Club

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