Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans... the continuing Saga of Goans 48 years on

2010-09-03 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

Dear Niz Goankars,

We can take a Goan out of Goa; BUT we cant take out the CRAB MENTALITY 

Thanks and More Mog,

God Answers Knee-Mails

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans... the continuing Saga of Goans 48 years on

2010-09-03 Thread Joseph Rebello

Dear Mr Rodrigues,

I am at the fag-end of the if "Goa to be Ruled by Goans "  debate that 
is now taking place on the Internet, but being a complete "green horn" 
to the Politics of  our Goan Diaspora, I simply fail to understand for 
the life of me, why we have to have that constant Crab like Mentality of 
taking a Snipe at Each other, especially when we have had some very 
constructive and excellent suggestions made by Tony Louis and  Carmen 
Miranda, so please, try your best not  to "pull " them down with your 
sniping just like the the tarred Crabs of Goa that now abound in Goa due 
to the Great Tar balls on it's beaches, from who nows where  ?

What puzzles me as a Goan even more is why,  we Goans who consider 
ourselves more intellect than the present motley Crowd of Members of the 
Goa State Assembly who, due to the history of our fate are so 
unrepresentative of Goa are able to hood wink their way  to the Migrant 
Vote Bank and Commercial Bank with so little intellect academic 
qualifications, and  with, so much as a little tiff between themselves, 
unlike some of us who simply revel in Sniping ?

Dear Mr Rodrigues and fellow Goenkars who are following this debate in 
Earnest, please try to Refrain from SNIPING at EACH other as this only 
Exasperates the likelihood of US ever being able to want to Guide OR 
rule OURSELVES. Why cannot we take a Cue from this Year's Wold Goa Day 
in UK, where the Theme was Ami Soglim Aik Ixttaghots OR United we Stand 
& Divided in Our Thoughts or DEEDS We FALL , like the ruins of CABO de 
RAMA !!.

Therefore, my personal plea is, Be REAL and be MAN and WOMAN enough to 
realise that having a GO at each other like Spoilt Brats only makes the 
Day of our YEARNING or DAWNING to be our own Masters that much difficult 
and it might take another 48 years OR Longer. Do we really want to wait 
that LONG, because by then, most of us here on the Internet will all be 
well-fried, not fired up and 6 feet under, so who will be the flag 
bearer of our  Gold Orange Azure flag for Amchem Goem if we continue in 
this vane ?

By actin as we do, GIVES the 40MLA's a breather that we cannot even 
agree on simple things like constructive Suggestions in the usual Goan 
Crab like mentality way, with due respect  to the poor crustacean which 
is a Creation of God to be a Crab with it's own mission in life, to 
serve us on a platter !!Do we need to be like Crabs therefore to Serve 
our New Masters 48years forever on end ?

Finally, please Be Real Ladies and Gentlemen if that's what you really 
want to achieve in the very long march  yet again, after Annexation of 
not being the MASTERS of OUR own GOAN DESTINY, Are we forever to be led 
led hand & foot by the so-called High Command in Delhi? If you count to 
TEN, you can visualise what  our Liberators and the Freedom Fighters had 
it in for US and I don't make any bone about it, to be in chains in the 
guise of Liberation. Today,  we Goans represented by the 40 or So MLA's 
are  still Jumping  and Dancing like puppets to their TUNE, not our Own 
Goenkarponn Kan-tar, because  the strings are still being pulled by our 
Liberators and the long gone Freedom Fighters, who are but, only 
resting(in their grave) on their Laurels.

So we should ask ourselves this very telling question, was Annexation of 
GOA worth it's weight in Thought, Soul, Deed  OR am-chem  Goan Soil ? 
How SAD really, but perhaps we have made our Bed with the Liberators and 
we should lie in (with them) it  for Better or for Worse not for  Richer 
or Poorer as we are ouch more the Poorer for having been Liberated by 
our new Masters at the Centre ? This is my way of looking at things as 
they stand in Goa and I am Cock Sure, some of you will disagree with me 
and have your own thought on this,.but please before you do, No Sniping 
Please,We are Goans and not Crabs !!

Fag-end Joe

From: Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Just one word ' WOW ' Floriano! I think TRUE Goans understands what 
Floriano says.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264