weekly humor

[If you joined us late -
Langoti "Long" John Silva is a globe-trotting Goencar,
always accompanied by his foul-mouthed parrot Cocky]

"Passpott Ghuspott!!"

11 am. The blue light on my computer monitor is blinking!

I have just woken. Yikes. Someone has been hacking my system.
Aaaargh! Birdseed tracks all over the keyboard! Damned Cocky.

I move the mouse - and am paralysed with shock! The fool bird
has hacked the private email of a Goa Minister, a politician called
Mikky Poskotto. With increasing horror, I see messages criss-cross.

6 March, 2010.

Dear Minister Poskotto,

I know you are very bizzy. But I needs come to Goa soon. How
I can get Goa passpott? Sims you needs lots of pool. And I head
ministers have lots of influenze. Can you helps a goenchi mana?

Yours loving,


P.S. I leaves in New Yolk.

6 March, 2010.

Mogall Mikkulo,

Darling thank you for helping me get elected in reserved seat,
Punchayati elections in Bondol village. Soon I will be Sarpanch.

All forests and bunds, cachements and mines will be ours.

And soon you will be mines too.

Yours everloving,


7 March, 2010.

Ms. Cooky,

Who are you?

The Minister does not know you.
Everbody's claim to know Mikky Poskotto.
That is not true.
He knows his peeple and they knows him.
He is our shepherd.
You are an imposter.
Minister cannot help you with passport.

Kantibhai Costa,
Minister Poskotto

P.S. Minister is fine - he does not have influensa.

7 March, 2010.

My own darling Bulu,

You are worth a thousand sarpanches.
Think big. Soon I will be CM.
Then I will appoint you Transport Minister.

You can ride me and ride over everybody else, darling.

Thank you for the khadi three-piece suit.
You are so thotfull.

Missing you in my SUV,

Your Mikkulo.

8 March, 2010.

Dear Minister Poskotto,

Do you knows Kantiboy Costa? I writes you about passpott
and he replys for you. I thinks he is fake. What about you?

Yours loving,

P.S. My real name is Cockayne.

8 March, 2010.

My sweet jalebi Mikkulo,

I cannot wait to be Minister!

We will be like Raja and Rani. Yes, like Rane,
you too will be Goa's bestest CM. Forever.

Yours gulab jamun,

P.S. That yellow thong from Dubai fits beautifully - thanks!

8 March, 2010.

Dear Shrimati Cocaine,

Please do not communicate with the Minister.

This is a private email id. It cannot be hacked.
We have reported this matter to CBI. You will
be persecuted. Minister is also very honest.

I think you are agente of bodmas.

We reserves the right to remain silent.

Kantibhai Costa,
Minister Poskotto

P.S. Are you NRI? How much dollars you haves?

9 March, 2010.

Darling Bulush mine,

Everyday you becomes sweeter like soro.
I can't bear to part from you anymore.

Even Shaikhspear said same -
"Parting is such sweet soro!"

When I am PM of India, I will make you my Jayalalitha.

Then you can make addh-mas of all my bodmas enemies.

I have booked the suite at Colberts for this weekend.

Darling, I will be really Minister'ing to your needs on Sat.

You can chase me around the house,
Your own sweetheart Mikky Mouse.

P.S. Don't forget to pack the red and blue thongs too.

9 March, 2010.

Dear Minister Poskotto,

Please reply me directly.

This Kantibhoia fellow seems like crook. His language
sounds like dorji. Please do not wear any his clothes.

Can you do my passpott?

I am,
Yours very ghuspott,


P.S. Your kurta has a hole behind. Sack Kantibhaiyya.

The popat always knows.

The above column first appeared in the 10 March, 2010 edition of The
Herald Daily, Goa, followed by other print and online publications.

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