Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Catholic religion

2006-09-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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English Books - Al Ahsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have heard that there are some Christian
> denominations, pay money for the
> people to join their groups. Mind you its not
> conversion, but just switching
> camp.  I am not sure how correct it is. Can you shed
> some light on it? 

I think you have got this one backwards my friend.

When you join a church here in N. America, you are
given a years supply of envelopes with a membership
number on it. You are not going to remain a member in
good standing if you do not contribute the amount the
preacher 'suggests' you do.

Christianity is a big business here. A very big
business! And if you need the proof, all you have to
do is turn on the TV on a Sunday morning. There are
literally dozens of 'preachers' on TV appealing
directly to you to send in money. Not one, not one
preacher will pray for you for free.


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[Goanet] Goanet] Catholic religion

2006-09-02 Thread English Books - Al Ahsa

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hello Albert,

Christianity as a religion has existed for around 2000 years. All the
prophets sent prior to coming of Jesus, came only for the Jews, Jesus too
came to the Jews hence called King of the Jews. It was only thru Jesus, that
the Gentiles came to know God. And thru Paul the person as Saul who
prosecuted the than followers of Jesus, himself became a staunch Christian,
and went on teaching about Jesus to all places he went making disciples all

During those days there were no bibles, and hence people believed what was
taught to them and accepted the faith, and so till that time when rebellion
started creeping amongst some for their own benefits. 

As far as I know, the protestant faith came only because one king protested
cause he was not allowed to get married the second time, and the people who
were under the king followed the king. Then there are many other sects of
Christianity, like Lutherans, thru Martin Luther of Germany who too had
rebelled, Methodists, etc etc, how they came about is unknown to me, 

Coming to Goa amchea ganv gara, it the Portuguese who brought the
Christianity and too, Catholicism, Since than, people have believed the
pulpit, as there was no way of checking what is taught is right or wrong as
there were no Bibles than. And people respected and followed the teachings.
People of then used to respect the priests, and I have myself witnessed this
when Holy communion was given as the last sacrament, the priest would go
with sacristian, with an umbrella covering the blessed sacrament, and people
kneeling when they passed. (which is a rarity now). But what the church said
was the truth for the people and it still is.

Just this year the bible in konkani version has been released, earlier to
that, it was only the New Testament, and hence the Ten commandments that you
talk of or about Genisis, and Exodus, is what people learnt thru the
preaching's of the priest, and followed them without questions, who you now
say as to say your exact words " men might say anything, the listener should
use his common sense and find out who is doing the talking..." well Albert
how can one find out when there was no bible in the language people could
read? And what about those who are illiterate?  Our fore fathers only learnt
what was taught to them, and obeyed it, until now. As for Genisis and
Exodus, The Ten Commandments were taught in the catechism class. I wonder
how many even knew of the existence of Bible than. And how many even had the
opportunity to hold it in their hands. 

What do you think about all the practices that people practiced all these
450 years plus, were they right or wrong? Someone had written that Indian
Christians do Idol worship because of their ancient Hindu culture, but what
about other countries, like Mexico, Most European countries and also latin
American countrie, and south American countries? I don't think they were
Hindus before they were converted? 

I have heard that there are some Christian denominations, pay money for the
people to join their groups. Mind you its not conversion, but just switching
camp.  I am not sure how correct it is. Can you shed some light on it? 

I liked what you said about prayer in your previous mail, but than what is
wrong to say prayers written by others? In this modern generation, with so
many books published about self help, imagine, even cooking books, one
follows some one else's advices, if not fully but at least partly. Every day
new books are published on self help. Imagine books on HOW TO COMMUNICATE,
that is necessary? But still its done. 


Jerry Fernandes  

Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 13:36:27 +
From: "Albert Desouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Catholic religion

Albert writes
  In  Christianity there are certain things that have come from God.The 
Bible gives proper account of the same. Though there were certain things 
which appeared in the old testament and these things were confirmed by Jesus

Christ when he was on earth.That Jesus Christ really came into this world 
died on the cross and rose again was proved long ago.The Genesis, the ten 
commandments,John's gospel speak volume of what God is and how He has tied 
us to him.While  John's gospel, Luke's and Mathew or Mark tells us clearly 
who Jesus Christ really was. Even the Koran speaks about the ten 
commandments I think and the