Re: [Goanet] Goanet Thank you Mr. Obama

2010-03-29 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
I am not doubting Jim Fernandes Health Insurance costs in the USA.  However, 
the cost of
health Insurance depends on each person's unique situation, including Married 
or Single,
dependants etc.  I pay a small fraction of what Jim pays for my USA Medical 
Insurance, which includes Dental Insurance, Eye Care including Eye glasses and 
services, Prescription and Medical insurance.  My Insurance coverage mandates 
regular check-ups.  If one fails to schedule a regular check up one is charged 
25% of the Doctors or Dental fees for the first year.  This charge then becomes 
15% the following year and then
5 % the year after.  Thereafter, there is no charge as long as one goes for his 
check ups.  All this makes sense to me as the focus is on preventive care and 
early detection.  Those who are lacadaisical about their health (like Merwyn) 
should pay for
such behavior.
I am not sure how much my Insurance will cost under the new Obama plan.  
Presumably I will be required to pay towards the dead-beats who do not have 
Insurance.  Dont get me
wrong.  Not everyone without health insurance is a dead beat.  But I know of 
many people
who have made choices to drop health insurance for other life-style 
choices knowing that in the event of an emergency the Government will pick up 
the tab, Obama Health Insurance or not.
I also know of a case where an Individual visiting the USA from India suffered 
a heart attack and received an emergency heart by-pass surgery and 
hospitalization without paying a
penny.   Most if not all states have Medicaid plans which take care of 
indigent patients .
So these stories of people dying because of lack of medical insurance baffles 
me.  I suspect that they have a more than a modest income level and made the 
choice to drop
medical insurance and the medical safety net meant for indigents did not cover 
them ?
Anway, the deed is done (Obama Healt Insurance that is).  We will now have 
socialized medicine in the USA and a huge bureaucracy to manage it.  Lets see 
how it all pans out a few years down the road.

[Goanet] Goanet] Thank you Mr Obama

2010-03-28 Thread manuel tavares
Jim, you have explained the whole concept of Health Insurance in the US 
perfectly. The Insurance Companies are only interested in enhancing their 
profits so that their top Execs can be paid fantastic bonuses. They do not care 
for the health care system nor for the people they insure. Their only issue is 
, ' How Much Can I Get.' I think that the Democrats voted their conscience and 
did the right thing by the American people. 

Regards..Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares.