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Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com


Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 14:16:12 +1000
From: "Con Menezes" <cmene...@tpg.com.au>



One way to build an income in private medical practice is to hook patients on 
drugs that continually require re-examination, testing and prescription renewal.


The major classes of prescription drugs are failures.  Of concern is the 
realization most drugs are never designed to address the underlying biochemical 
causes of disease and may intentionally be designed to create life-long 

Mario observes:

This entire article is a cynical calumny which slanders the vast majority of 
physicians, not to mention the entire practice of western medicine, by 
distorting the facts as far as I can see.

Bill Sardi is not a physician but a manufacturer of vitamin supplements, which 
he shamelessly peddles through "infomercials" on TV.

Perhaps Santosh can shed some light on this issue and this person and the 
scientific validity of his bizarre claims, as well as the other suspicious 
article on alternative medicine posted by Con Menezes:


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