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-------- Original message --------
Date:09/08/2017  00:04  (GMT+05:30) 
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 396 

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Today's Topics:

      NEW DELHI (AIFF Media)
   3. XIX Sunday of the Year (Jude Botelho)
   4. FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on the United Nations Decade of    Action
      on Nutrition (Goa Desc)
   5. GOA 2017 Festival (Gabe Menezes)
   6. Break Your Silence: 101 Christian Intellectuals to the    Church
      in India (Goanet Reader)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 16:51:02 +0530
From: AIFF Media <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Dear colleagues,

Please find below a report on the AFC Futsal Development Programme which
kicked-off in the Capital today.

*For all updates of the National Team and exclusive pictures please follow
our Official Twitter Handle @IndianFootball at *
** <>

*Also follow and like the Official Page of Indian Football Teams on
Facebook at ***


AIFF Media Team



*AIFF Media Team*

*NEW DELHI:* Representatives of the Asian Football Confederations (AFC) met
the All India Football Federation (AIFF) at the Football House, New Delhi
today (August 08, 2017) on the opening day of the AFC Futsal Development
Programme - Assessment Visit to India.

The AFC was represented by Mr. Ali Targholizadeh, who is the Technical
Director of the Futsal & Beach Soccer Development Department of the AFC,
Mr. Jacob Joseph Biggs, the Project Manager of the AFC Futsal Development
Programme and Mr. Badrul Hisham Bin Kalam of the AFC Futsal Referee's

AIFF?s General Secretary Mr. Kushal Das along with Hero I-League CEO Mr.
Sunando Dhar, AIFF?s Technical Director Savio Medeira, AIFF?s Head of
Player Development Richard Hood were also in attendance at the meeting.

Speaking on the occasion, the AIFF General Secretary said, ?We have trying
to develop Futsal in India for some time now. This was missing from the
Indian development programme. And I hope with the help of the AFC we should
be able to start a Futsal competition by this year in India. That is the

Ali Targholizadeh opined, ?Asia has almost 2/3rd of the world population
and India is a major and very important part of that not just
demographically but in other aspects too. Countries who might not be
traditional footballing superpowers can do well in Futsal. I?m happy with
AIFF?s initiative to develop futsal for football and futsal for futsal
which is a part of developing football overall.?

?I think it?s a new beginning for us and we are looking towards getting in
more coaches and instructors to help us develop futsal in India?, added
Savio Medeira.

The meeting took place to discuss matters on regarding developing and
creating a road map for Futsal in India. There was also a discussion on
creating an ideal platform for the spread and advent of Futsal as a popular
form of football in India. The AIFF conveyed its full commitment towards
creating a pathway for courses, competitions and match officiating across
our country that will help in development of Futsal.


Media Department, AIFF.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 16:12:48 +0530
From: AIFF Media <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Dear colleagues,

Please find below a report on the decisions taken by the AIFF Special

*For all updates of the National Team and exclusive pictures please follow
our Official Twitter Handle @IndianFootball at *
** <>

*Also follow and like the Official Page of Indian Football Teams on
Facebook at ***


AIFF Media Team



*AIFF Media Team*

*NEW DELHI: *The Special Committee formed as per the directions of the All
India Football Federation?s Emergency Committee met at AIFF Football House
on August 3, 2017 to review the jurisdiction of the AIFF and State
Association and to adjudicate the status of a player in view of the dispute
between Mr. Abinash Ruidas and Kingfisher East Bengal relating to validity
or sustainability of the contract for the 2017-18 season.

The Committee reviewed the AIFF Constitution and AIFF regulations for the
Status and Transfer of Players as well as various circulars issued by FIFA
relating to the fundamentals of a contract to be entered between a Club and
a player.

It also reviewed the decision of the IFA?s Players Status Committee as the
Constitution of IFA stipulates that whichever Club is in possession of the
token of a player has the ?legal right? of registering the player in the
Club for the forthcoming season.

Based on the review of the above, the special Committee decided as follows:

1.The decision of the IFA dated July 28, 2017 relating to the legal rights
of the player on the basis of the token cannot be sustained and/or enforced.

2. AIFF is the authority to adjudicate the disputed subject issue in its
entirety including the ?Status? of the Player and/or whether there exists
any valid and binding written contract, and whether there has been
mandatory compliance of Articles 4.3 and 5 of the AIFF regulations for the
Status and Transfer of Players.

3. As per the AIFF Constitution and AIFF regulations for the Status and
Transfer of players, the ?Players Status Committee? of the AIFF is
entrusted with exclusive powers to deal with and settle the ?dispute? as
the status of the Player and his Contractual validity.

4. Any other or further decision of the IFA relating to or arising out of
the subject issue of Abinash Ruidas cannot be sustained/enforced.

Accordingly, the matter relating to validity of the contracts of the
players will be dealt by the AIFF Players Status Committee at a meeting to
be summoned soon.



Message: 3
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 14:27:07 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jude Botelho <>
To: Jude   Yahoo! Groups <>
Subject: [Goanet] XIX Sunday of the Year
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear Friend,
Often we want God to act dramatically and sensationally in our lives and in the 
lives of others! In reality our God acts in small and unobtrusive ways often 
unnoticed and unheeded by us. Our all-powerful God is a God of small things! He 
does not display his power yet works in wonderful ways for us and with us. Have 
an exciting week discovering his quiet action and presence in our lives! -Fr. 
Sunday Ref: XIX Sunday ?Courage! It is I, the Lord! Do not be afraid!??? ? ? ? 
? 13-Aug-2017Readings:?1 Kings 19: 9, 11-13; ? ? ? ? ?Rom.9: 1-5; ? ? ? ? 
?Matt. 14: 22-33;
In the first reading we meet Elijah the prophet hiding in a cave as he tries to 
distance himself from Queen Jezabel who is out to get him because he has 
humiliated and killed her prophets. Now on the run for his life, he is directed 
to Mount Horeb where he takes refuge in a cave. He wants to meet God and wishes 
this God to act powerfully against his enemies. There he discovers that his 
tactics are not God?s tactics. God?s approach is a non-violent one, symbolized 
by the mighty wind and earthquake in which he does not find God. Rather it is a 
gentle one, symbolized by the gentle breeze. Our God is so different from what 
we expect!

Deep calls to DeepA storm arose at sea and the ship was being tossed by winds 
and waves. Panic-stricken, the passengers ran helter-skelter on the deck 
begging God to save them. Amidst the confusion, little Monica stared coolly at 
the tempestuous sea. Seeing the girl so cool and composed, a passenger barked, 
?Hey kid, aren?t you afraid?? Monica replied casually, ?Why worry? My daddy?s 
the captain!? Today?s readings speak of winds and waves, and of Christ, our 
Captain?s assurance. ?Courage! It is I!?Francis Gonsalves in ?Sunday Seeds for 
Daily Deeds?
In today?s gospel, we read that Jesus sent his disciples in a boat and he went 
on the mountain and was praying until three in the morning. Later, Jesus walked 
over the water and found His disciples fighting a losing battle against the 
storm. Though He was present fear engulfed them. His presence calmed the sea 
and gave them freedom from fear. The lesson in this passage is abundantly 
clear. As Matthew relates it, the story is clearly symbolic. The disciples in 
the boat represent the infant church; the wind and the waves represent the 
persecution let loose on the Church. Jesus is not with them physically; He is 
in heaven praying to the Father. However in the Church?s direst need, when all 
seems lost, her Lord comes to save her, The incident of Peter sinking and being 
saved by Jesus is probably a reference to Peter?s failure during the passion, 
and his restoration after the resurrection. In any case Peter represents the 
typical disciple, caught between faith and doubt. Jesus? re
 buke, ?Man of little faith! Why did you doubt?? is directed to us also, who 
often start out courageously only to lose heart when faced with a crisis.
Jesus Comes ? In silenceA proper understanding of the gospel story of Jesus 
walking on the sea has a lot to teach us of who Jesus is. Jesus comes to us in 
our trials and tribulations. He comes very calmly and quietly. He comes to us 
in silence. If we practice silence long enough, we may, like Elijah, sense God 
in the most surprising moments of our lives. Let me conclude with this story. 
Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. By 
nightfall on the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. The 
first monk said, ?Oh, no! The candle is out.? The second monk said, ?Aren?t we 
not supposed to talk?? The third monk said, ?Why must you break the silence?? 
The fourth monk laughed and said, ?I?m the only one who didn?t speak.? ?Mother 
Teresa says, ?We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and 
restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature ? trees, flowers, 
grass- grows in silence; see how the stars, the moon and the s
 un, how they move in silence?we need silence to be able to touch souls.?John 
Pichappilly in ?The Table of the Word?
The impossible becomes possible?Mark Link tells the inspiring story of a 17 
year-old girl named Joni Eareckson, who like all teenagers her age was full of 
vitality, vigour and promise. Her favourite sport was horse riding, and in 
every completion her performance was so very impressive that her prospects for 
the future kept rising both noticeably and dramatically. One hot afternoon in 
July, Joni went for a swim in Chesapeake Bay and there tragedy struck. On one 
particular dive she sustained such a severe injury to her head that she was 
instantly knocked unconscious and rushed to the hospital for emergency 
treatment. And there the worst fears of her loved ones were confirmed. Joni 
would be a quadriplegic for the rest of her life. The months ahead were an 
absolute nightmare, with just no light at the end of the tunnel. The once 
graceful rider, who delighted crowds with her performances, would lie strapped 
to a Stryker frame. And for much of her time she would lie with her face d
 own, looking at nothing but the floor. That is when she had a spiritual 
experience. As Joni lay strapped in her Stryker frame, she thought of Jesus 
nailed to the cross. He was God yet he was totally powerless and helpless. And 
she adds, ?I pictured Jesus standing by my Stryker frame and saying to me, 
?Don?t lose heart, Joni, for I am with you and will help you to achieve the 
impossible.? Even as she lay there a curious thought crossed Joni?s mind. She 
could attempt painting if she could hold a painting brush between her teeth. 
And that is precisely what she did- so successfully and admirably that she is 
author of two best-sellers ?one being autobiographical and entitled Joni ?and 
has played the lead role in a movie of her own life. This inspiring story aptly 
demonstrates what Jesus can do in the life of any and every individual, if we 
let him. As the saying goes, ?Where some see a caterpillar, others see a 
butterfly.? As someone has rightly said, ?We must let go, and let God
 .? This precisely is what Joni did in her absolute helplessness. But with 
faith in the almighty power and the never-failing help of the Lord Jesus, she 
was able to achieve the impossible.J. Valladares in ?Your Words O Lord, are 
Spirit, and they are Life?
Launch out into the deepThe God-encounter is possible when one dives deeper, 
climbs higher, ventures further and ?burns one?s boats? to launch out into the 
deep. The conquistador, Hernan Cortes (1485- 1547), was an ambitious man and 
desired to conquer Mexico for King Charles V of Spain. Frightened by unknown 
lands and its many inhabitants, his sailors dreamt of turning back to their 
ships, whereupon Cortes ordered them to ?burn their boats.? Are you ready to 
burn your boats and launch out into the deep to meet Deep?Francis Gonsalves in 
?Sunday Seeds for Daily Deeds?
Ready to uphold you!Peter?s encounter with Jesus becomes a model of the 
Church?s encounter with God. Life tosses us about and makes us scream, ?Help!? 
Rather than saving us by shortcuts, Jesus appears in life?s storms saying, 
?Courage, it is I!? His invitation follows: ?Come!? Are we ready ?as 
individuals and Church ? to jump off the boat, leave the bandwagon and abandon 
the crowd? The Indian state of Gujarat suffered devastating floods in July 
2005. The oldest Church in Gujarat, at Anand, was inundated like never before. 
This ?Church in deep waters? is symbolic of the Church called to weather 
today?s tempests of godlessness, globalization, materialism, fundamentalism, 
and individualism. Indeed, Christ the Captain calls us to enter depth and 
encounter Deep. Isn?t that the same hand that held Peter ever ready to hold you 
and me?Francis Gonsalves in ?Sunday Seeds for Daily Deeds?
May we with faith launch out knowing He will uphold us!
Fr. Jude Botelho
PS. The stories, incidents and anecdotes used in the reflections have been 
collected over the years from books as well as from sources over the net and 
from e-mails received. Every effort is made to acknowledge authors whenever 
possible. If you send in stories or illustrations I would be grateful if you 
could quote the source as well so that they can be acknowledged if used in 
these reflections.These reflections are also available on my Web site you.


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 21:29:24 +0530
From: Goa Desc <>
To: goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on the United Nations Decade
        of      Action on Nutrition
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 11th August from 4pm to 6pm
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition, making it work for Goa
SPEAKER: Open discussion

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO.
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power.
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!
Join the mailing list of FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 17:49:15 +0100
From: Gabe Menezes <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] GOA 2017 Festival
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


Gabe Menezes.


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 00:02:04 +0530
From: Goanet Reader <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Break Your Silence: 101 Christian Intellectuals to
        the     Church in India
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Break Your Silence: 101 Christian Intellectuals to the Church in India
Break Your Silence: 101 Christian Intellectuals to the Church

Saturday, August 05,2017

NEW DELHI: A 101 Christian intellectuals from all walks of
life have written an Open Letter to the silent---and as some
would say---the rather timid leadership of the Church in
India to come out in support of civil society in its struggle
to "safeguard India's cultural and religious plurality and
diversity, and the republics Constitutional values of
secularism, and socialism."

The signatories include Jesuit theologians T K John and
Francis Gonsalves, academicians Sr. Nirmalini, AC, Dr.
Michael Williams, and St Stephen's college dean Fr Monodeep
Daniel, All India Catholic Union president Lancy D Cuna, EFI
general secretary Rev Vijayesh Lal, New Delhi YMCA president
Vijay Russel, Former Member of Delhi Minorities Commission AC
Michael, activists Cedric Prakash, Ajay Kumar Singh, Dominic
Emmanuel, Virginia Saldanha, lawyers Jenis Francis, Tehmina
Arora, Pramod Singh, PI Jose, and journalists Suresh Mathew,
Jacob Kani, KM Selvaraj, and John Dayal.

          The Open Letter states: "The number of violent acts
          against Christians alone during the last three
          years (2014-2016) are over 600, including an
          increasing trend at social boycott that impinges on
          the right to life, food and livelihood. This
          includes physical violence, stopping of worship in
          churches, attacks on churches, arrests of pastors
          and their companions, and rapes of Nuns. The
          National Crime Records Bureau documented 47,064
          acts of violence against Dalits in 2014, up from
          32,643 in 2010. The violence against Muslims is
          reaching an alarming peak. The hate spewed not just
          by non-state actors and political functionaries,
          but even by Members of Parliament and sometimes by
          ministers forms the backdrop of this violence, as
          it also smothers voices seeking justice."

The Christian community, despite its laudable heritage of the
prophetic tradition of defending justice, human rights and
freedom, especially of the oppressed and the marginalized,
has not come out openly in support of the truth and its
upholders. Many had looked upon the Church and expected it to
protest these infringements, whoever be the victim of the

"The Church, guided by you, needs to act before it is too
late. This is the lesson we learn from history. It is time to
stand with the victims to be the voice of poor and
marginalised; time to collaborate and partner with the civil
society to spread the truth; and time to take bold
initiatives and action to prevent further erosion of our
humane and constitutional values," the Open letter said.

The following is the text of the letter and the names, in
alphabetical order, of the signatories:

"We, as Indian Christians, are concerned at the steady shift
we see in our country from a pluralist, secular, democracy to
a Hindu Rashtra. What used to be fringe, has now become
mainstream. There is a systematic design to undermine the
Constitution. Official machinery often seems working in
tandem with the 'vigilantes'. Street lynching, victims
charged as accused, stage-managed trials; all on the basis of
one's religious and caste identities. Media seems mute,
silent in self-censorship, coerced by the state, or leashed
by its corporate ownership. Fake News is the final straw.

What is at stake? The country risks a hierarchical order and
an ideology eroding, containing and overwhelming the liberty,
equality and fraternity bequeathed us by the Freedom Struggle
as an 'idea of India' for the modern age. A new coercive
culture, steered mob-inspired killers, is destroying lives
and families amongst us. Fear stalks the land.

          The spontaneous multi-city #NotInMyName upsurge of
          public revulsion was the ordinary Indian's cry
          against this hate and blood-letting.

The anger is as much over the killings as it is over our
collective silence.

The government's double talk is apparent. It is right in its
solidarity with the global challenge to international
terrorism, but has minimized and dismissed the terror wreaked
on the weak and the marginalized by the violent nationalism
of the mob. Victims have been Dalits, specially their youth
and their women, Tribals and religious minorities.

The number of violent acts against Christians alone during
the last three years (2014-2016) are over 600, including an
increasing trend at social boycott that impinges on the right
to life, food and livelihood. This includes physical
violence, stopping of worship in churches, attacks on
churches, arrests of pastors and their companions, and rapes
of Nuns. The National Crime Records Bureau documented 47,064
acts of violence against Dalits in 2014, up from 32,643 in
2010. The violence against Muslims is reaching an alarming

          The hate spewed not just by non-state actors and
          political functionaries, but even by Members of
          Parliament and sometimes by ministers forms the
          backdrop of this violence, as it also smothers
          voices seeking justice.

Inevitably, and perhaps deliberately, these divisive and
emotional issues divert attention from the repercussions of
radical changes in financial laws and economic policies that
adversely affect workers, farmers and the youth who suddenly
find themselves rendered unemployed.

The political process taking shape today is against every
fundamental humane and constitutional principle of Equality
and Dignity of every Indian, and preserving Common Good.

Indeed, it is evil.

And inherently calls upon us as individuals, community and
people of Faith, to raise our voice against it.

The Christian community, despite its laudable heritage of the
prophetic tradition of defending justice, human rights and
freedom, especially of the oppressed and the marginalized,
has not come out openly in support of the truth and its
upholders. Many had looked upon the Church and expected it to
protest these infringements, whoever be the victim of the

This demands serious reflection. As Christians, we are called
to be the salt of the earth. Jesus gave the two greatest
commandments... loving our Lord with all we have and loving
our Neighbour. We have professed obedience to these
commandments, but perhaps not as visibly as we should have.

Our children, our youth, ask us if we are showing true
Christian love today to our neighbours, manifested in the
victims of injustice, the marginalised Dalits and tribals,
exploited farmers and unorganized labour? Or have we
compromised Kingdom values, for short term gains. Have we
become lukewarm; are we the men of cloth who walk by the
bleeding man on the road to Jericho?

          The Church, guided by you, needs to act before it
          is too late. This is the lesson we learn from
          history. It is time to stand with the victims to be
          the voice of poor and marginalised; time to
          collaborate and partner with the civil society to
          spread the truth; and time to take bold initiatives
          and action to prevent further erosion of our humane
          and constitutional values.

We humbly call upon you, all Christian leaders and Heads of
Churches, to reflect and lead the community in the path of
truth, love and justice.

We offer a few points for your consideration, as a Charter of
our Duty to our fellow Citizens and our nation.

Based on the Biblical values of justice, right, freedom,
dignity and the well-being of every human being, the
Christian community should be part of every civil initiative
for truth, reconciliation and peace.

Any erosion, dilution, infringement or violation of
Constitutional rights to life and liberty must invite a
response from the church as it does from the people. Speaking
out is often the one response that is needed. Saying "Stop"
to an act of injustice can often prevent tragedy.

Our educational institutions must assume their pristine role
as crucibles for nation-building, as the Supreme Court has
described them.

          Our Theological institutions, Bible colleges,
          Formation Houses must in their pedagogy include
          familiarization with the rights and duties of
          citizens in international covenants and the
          Constitution of India to enhance knowledge and hone
          civic conscience.

In unison with members of all faiths, ideologies we should
marshal India's tremendous spiritual resources in
consolidating peace, resolving conflicts infusing a sense of
values in the body politic.

God bless our people
And God bless India

We are:

A C Michael, Former Member of Delhi Minorities Commission
A. Chinnappan, Secretary General -- All India Catholic Union
Fr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Human Rights Activist
Fr. Alex Ekka, Educationist
Amrit Goldsmith, Human Rights Activist
Anthony Cruz, Social Activist
Anthony Dias, Scholar
Fr. Avinash Masih, Brotherhood Society
B. Balakrishnan, Advocate
Barnabas Nongbah, General Secretary, Catholic Association,
Benny Anthony Muttath, Catholic Trainer & Activist
Bertram Devadas, Associate General Secretary, New Delhi YMCA
Ms. Brinelle D'souza, Faculty Member, Tata Institute of
Social Sciences
Fr. Cedric Prakash, SJ, Human Rights Activist
Mrs. Chinnamma Jacob, Women Activist
Mrs. Clara Fernandes, Assistant Secretary General of AICU
Dr. Daisy Panna, Vice President, Federation of Catholic
Associations of Archdiocese of Delhi
Deepak Mukerji, Governing Board Member - St Stephen's College
Fr. Denzil Fernandes, SJ, Executive Director, ISI, Lodi Road
Fr. Dominic Emmanuel, Activist & Author
Fr. Francis Gonsalves, Theologian & Journalist
Franklyn Ceaser Thomas, Advocate
Gary Andrady, Church Leader
Fr. (Dr.) George Plathottam sdb, Principal, Don Bosco
College, Tura
Fr. George Peter, Spiritual Animator
Fr. George Valiyapadath, Capuchin Friar, Padre Pio Shrine,
Ms. Hazel D'Lima, Social Worker
Captain Hunjan Singh Govindra, Air India
Rev Isaac Shaw, National Director/President, Delhi Bible
Ivan Menezes
Fr. J Felix, Secretary, Inter-religious Commission,
Archdiocese of Delhi
Fr. Jacob Kani, Journalist
Fr. Jacob Panjikaran SG
Fr. Jacob Peernikaparambil CMI, National Convener -- Forum of
Religious for Justice & Peace
Fr. Jai Kumar, Brotherhood Society
Jasmine Jose SD
Jenis Francis, Advocate & President, Federation of Catholic
Associations of Archdiocese of Delhi
Fr. John Chathanatt, SJ, Sahayog
Dr. John Dayal, Human Right Activist & Journalist
Dr. Jolly Rimai, Church Leader
Jose Leon, President -- Leo Burnett India
Joseph Bara, Social Scientist
Joseph Mattam, SJ
Fr. Joseph Xavier, SJ, Advocate & Human Rights Activist
Jugal Kishore Ranjit
Sr. Justine Gitanjali Senapati, csj, CAO -- Congregations of
St. Joseph UN NGO
K M Selvaraj, Journalist
Sr. Kochurani Abraham, Feminist Theologian, Kerala
Kulakanta Dandasena Majhi, JKS Iindia
Lancy D'Cunha, National President -- All India Catholic Union
Lawrence F Vincent, Vice President (M) -- Catholic Council of
Ms. Loreign Ovung, Advocate
M. S. Stanislaus, Secretary General -- Federation of Catholic
Associations of Archdiocese of Delhi
Sr. Manju Kulapuram, FORUM National Secretary
Sr. Manish SCN, Social Animator & Activist, Delhi
Sr. Maria Palathingal, SCN
Marshal Pereira, AICU President -- Madhya Pradesh
Dr. Michael Williams, President, United Christian Forum
Ms. Molly Sebastian, Women Activist
Fr. Monodeep Daniel, Dean, St Stephen's College
Myron J Pereira, Campion Jesuit Residence, Mumbai
Ps. Nehemiah Christie, Head -- ADF India Tamil Nadu Legal Aid
Sr. Nirmala Mulackal SCN, Executive Director CBCI CARD
Sr. Nirmalini, AC, Educationist
Dr. Neeti Lal Bhai, Theologian & Human Rights Activist,
O J Metei, Theologian / Social Activist
Norris Pritam, Board of Director-New Delhi YMCA & Journalist
Rev Dr. P B M Basaiawmoit, Retired Pastor
Fr. P Augustine SJ, Pastor & Spiritual Guide
P I Jose, Advocate
P. Joseph Packiaraj, President -- AICU Tamil Nadu
Fr P R John, SJ, Principal, Vidyajyoti College of Theology,
Sr. (Dr.) Pauline Chakkalakal, dsp, Biblical Theologian &
Coordinator of Interfaith Partnership
Pramod Singh, Advocate
Fr. Prashant Olekar, Educational Activist
Fr Raju Alex, Secretary -- Catholic Council of India
Raphael D'Souza, AICU Maharashtra State President
Sr. Rita Puthenkalam, scn
Robin Ratnakar David, Advocate
Fr S. Emmanuel, AICUF National Adviser
Prof S V Antony, Educationist
Sr. Sabrina Edwards IBVM, Social Worker
Shibu Thomas, Minister of Jesus & Founder -- Persecution
Sr. Stella Kaiprampatt
Fr. Stan Fernandes, Educationist
Sunil Mallick
Sunil Nayak
Fr. Sunny Jacob, SJ, Secretary, JEA, South Asia
Fr. (Dr.) Suresh Mathew, Chief Editor, Indian Currents
Fr. T K John, SJ, Theologian
Mrs. Tehmina Arora, Advocate
Fr. Tom Mangattuthazhe, Secretary, UCF of Karbi Anglong
District, Assam
Dr. Varghese Manimala, Philosopher, Theologian, Teacher &
Rev Vijayesh Lal, Secretary General, Evangelical Fellowship
of India
Vijay Russel, President, New Delhi YMCA
Vinay Stephen, Dalit Leader, Delhi
Fr. Vincent, Church Personnel
Virginia Saldanha, Former Secretary, CBCI Women's Commission
& FABC Laity Commission
Walter Cyril Pinto, Business Development Associate, Udupi
Walter J Maben, Chairman, Karnataka Missions Network
Mangaluru, Karnataka

[Thanks to Jose Noronha for drawing attention to this.]

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 396

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