Dear Marco,

'catholic men as drunkards and catholic women selling alcohol in various
Hindi movies.'

You have brought up a very interesting debate . 'What & who do you define 
as anti Christ'?
Does being a critic of some ones or portraying some one in poor light make 
you anti the person concerned?
That Every human being has the right to his own opinion was some thing 
Christ was very much aware off himself.
Hence he never hesitated to point out the wrong in society during his 
times and yet when it cam to stoning the so called woman of low virtues . 
He requested the person who had never sinned in life to throw the first 
stone. And yet being the only  sinless person in that crowd  he refrained 
from throwing the first stone. 
So is criticism of Christ or Catholics  that make us anti Christ or living 
lives contradictory to Christ teaching that make us Anti Christ.

The next important issue is why do we Christians portray the image 
'catholic men as drunkards and catholic women selling alcohol ???' I don't 
think Catholic women are portrayed as selling alcohol any more yes but 
catholic men as drunkards still exist . We have no one to blame but our 
selves . If Christian men in remote villages are more happy  lazing around 
with a bottle while women work hard to get the family going ? What can you 
expect  others to think of us ? Christianity today is not jut confined to 
Goa. I have seen it in the remote parts of the Himalayas and along Indian 
borders. No wonder when I asked my husbands P.A What was the population in 
the North East like ?
He promptly replied 'Majority  of Christians whose men are drunkard while 
women work hard even at petrol pumps.'
Though he swore with tears in his eyes when he was posted to Goa at the 
end of his tenure that ' His very much catholic Commander is a 1000 times 
much better a person than his former Non Catholic Commander.'He has much 
more regards & respect for his very Much catholic Commanders much more 
Catholic wife than for his former Hindus Commanders very much Hindu wife. 
He still is in touch with his very much Catholic commander . The man in 
concern is a devout Hindu Brahmin.



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