Reference "How Many More Deaths Mr CEE"(GT 19May), my official letters to the 
CEE via the Consumer Protection Council(CPC) of which I am a member listing the 
lacunae and with suggestions short term,long term and strategic(under headings 
Administration in Vidyut Bhavan, Trainning,Communication and General) were not 
taken  quite seriously despite many official reminders.In fact the last meeting 
of the Council was held on 21/10/09.This is the year 2011,no action taken 
report on the many decisions passed, no compliance of the CPC Act regarding 
regular meetings which High Court was assured is being done etc. They seem to 
be able to get away with anything! Just visit Vidyut Bhavan and ask for updated 
Citizens Charter.They charged me R2/page for pure information under RTI ,not 
involving any xerox or CD or maps etc. 
With the CEE reportedly on his 5th Extension of service, they all are a cosy 
mutual support bunch and can just ignore suggestions and complaints at their 
sweet will and fancy. No punishments,nothing going from their pockets, all 
doing very well for themselves.
 The Administration which I observed is in shambles/ no proper coordination and 
monitoring, requires a work study and complete overhall, but  with the present 
set up in government, I can see no hope. Facebook has thrown up others who are 
willing to match JoeGoa's cash offer to any public spirited lawyer willing to 
take up this serious matter of negligence in Court! 

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