Bad or good... the most influential


I was asked by the Goan
Observer to put up my personal
choices of the ten most
influential set of people who
influenced the decade. Some did
so positively, some did so
negatively, and some were there
with a huge potential but
stumbled on the way and fell.

Of course, the list contains
all my personal biases, which
hopefully every human being can
have. If 2000-2009 was the
'decadus horribilis' for Goa,
we can only hope and pray that
the next will be a 'Decadus
Mirabbilis', but if wishes were
horses, pigs would fly.

MANOHAR PARRIKAR: Easily the most influential person of the
decade. He divided Goa into two poles, those who loathed him
passionately due to his ideology and arrogance and those who
loved him blindly for his integrity and administrative
brilliance. Pity there weren't enough folks to dissect him in
a neutral profile, and even sadder that he chose NOT to
listen to his well-meaning critics. At the end of the day,
his own worst enemy.

SANDESH PRABHUDESAI: As editor of Sunaparant, he blazed a
trail for Konkani and issues, but it's in his avatar as
editor-in-chief of Prudent Media that he has brilliantly
shone. Using the powerful image of TV, he has exposed many a
scandal and taken tough positions on burning issues regarding
Goa. As they say, you can take an editor out of an activist,
but you can never taken an activist out of an editor.

SALGAOCAR: Women-power with maximum impact. To get casino
owners, rapists, molesters and all other epithets men are
usually conferred with to quaver in their pants is no mean
task. Sometimes perceived as anti-men, their visible service
to womankind in Goa is truly phenomenal.

FR MAVERICK FERNANDES: The Church's visible symbol of Lamb
and Lion. The man who put the principles of social justice
and peace -- the bedrock of Christian teaching -- into actual
practice. You may disagree with his anti-capitalist ideology,
but you can never deny his single-minded devotion to
galvanising, mobilising and encouraging the poor of the State
to find their voice, irrespective of the community they
belong to.

CLAUDE ALVARES: His detractors call him 'Fraud' Alvares. For
me, he is most emphatically 'God' Alvares. The original Big
Daddy of environment issues in Goa before Al Gore and Obama
even knew to pronounce 'climate change'. His yeoman work and,
especially over the last decade, his humongous legal
battles, is the stuff legends are made of. And oh yes, by the
way, he is a Mangalorean (a 'bhailo').

DR NANDKUMAR KAMAT: Never has Goa produced such a dazzling
luminary of knowledge, erudition and scientific brilliance as
him. Eccentric and unapproachable at most times, his
painstaking research into all aspects of Goan life -- past,
present and future -- is more valuable than the Kohinoor for us.

MATANHY SALDANHA: Indefatigable, tenacious, pugnacious. The
old war horse, true to his ideals, has articulated thousands
of Goan issues with a singular passion. Can be obstinate at
times and does miss the wood for the trees in a
post-liberalised, youthful era of politics.

VISHWAJIT RANE: The de facto lambi race ka ghoda. Doesn't
have the regal aloofness of his illustrious father. Mingles
with the hoi polloi easily but also in the same way does not
share his father's early innings' reputation as CM and vision
for Goa. Sadly believes that the colour of money wins
elections -- not integrity, ideology or innovation.

BABUSH MONSERRATE: The bad boy of Goan politics. Steam rolls
past any opposition or law books and then bankrolls huge
political battles. His constituency worship shim for the
generous benevolence and monetary goodies he bestows on
them. But at what cost? The cost of Goa itself!

agitations against RP2011, SEZ, mega projects and illegal
mining became the flavour of the decade and a toast of the
nation, it was these humble villagers who rose in revolt
against the abuse of authority and power and who blazed the
path for us to achieve -- maybe a not so perfect but --
greener and saner tomorrow.

SATURDAY NIGHT CLUB OF MARGAO: Comprising of stalwarts like
Datta Naik, Dr Francisco Colaco, Shridhar Kamat, Prashant
Naik and many others. This is the nerve centre in the
forefront in the battle to keep Goa secular and free from
communal strife. These guys have put their lives and
reputations on the line in this battle. What one wishes, in
the present circumstances, is for them to pressure their
friendly neighbourhood MLA -- who incidentally happens to be
the Chief Minister -- to wake up and smell the coffee with
the disintegration and moral decay of Goa continuing on his

[First published in the Goan Observer, Panjim Jan 2-8, 2010]

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