. Govt. knee  jerk reactions is understanable

Every state have their own crusaders, activists and whistle blowers .They
help in highlighting the ills plaguing the society, expose double
standards, and Govt. Govt favouritism, deliberate policy decisions
favouring few.

We admire and appreciate Anna Hazare, APP followers, Subash Agraval, among
others, They put the Govt, on mat, notice to set the process in order,
otherwise Govt. machinery and process become one sided and their behaviour

The Govt. has battery of lawyers, resources to seek best legal advice to
fight what is being felt as motivated, irrelevant, scurrilous litigation.
Further to allege legal system and media colluding with activist is abroad
sweep of irrational inferences. It is the activist, at a cost to murderous
attacks, killings, who dare to call spade a spade and defy illegitimate
curbs on freedom guaranteed by constitution The existing llegislations are
enough to deal with any so called aberrations and mis conceived , brazen
conduct of either individuals or groups, masquerading as NGO`s with
ulterior motives .An ordinary citizen, however knowledgeable  is not in a
position to unearth the intricacies, policies, designed to hide the truth,
couched with colourful exercises

Most of the corruption cases, in administration, executive, judiciary,
police would have lied buried under mountains of fabricated lies, had it
not been to the activists Govt is attempting to dilute tinker with RTI act,
appointment of Information commissioners as such information is  a thorn in
their flesh. Do they want activists to be mouth pieces of Govt policies?

Why do so called clean politicians want to silence dissent, override all
objections and ride roughshod over opinions, suggestions etc It appears
that they have something to hide from public view, because they know that
they are not honest, as they wish to appear, doubting all systems as having
failed and that they alone are the righteous persons , who can do no wrong.

In a democracy, the muzzling of individual or collective vox pouli is a
sure recipe towards authoritarian streaks of power. In our state many Govt
decisions have been legally challenged, at a cost, personal risk and
sacrifice and have shown the rulers in bad light and incompetency of
decisions and policies The opposition , whose duty it is appears to turn
Nelson`eye for  the reasons best known to them much against their assigned

No amount of legal threats either existing or in the pipe line will ever
deter the crusaders of taking head on the powers that be, who want to
suppress the truth. We know of various types of dossiers, real and
manufactured; letting loose state machinery for partisan and guided purpose
has numbed some outspoken critics into zombies out of fear. The human
indomitable spirit will always rise in the midst of purposive obstacles,
hindrances to lay bare the truth, mischief and all acts of arrogance,
authoritarian attitude and behaviour and warnings .There will arise new
army of crusaders against all wrong doings as we have seen in the past,
emergency not withstanding. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing
to fear .There are enough safeguards in our system to deal with any
fissiparous tendencies and aberrations and hence no need of draconian
measures to deal with normal situations

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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