2009-08-28 Thread Mario Goveia

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Thanks to Ruby Goes for posting the following articles on the British 
healthcare system, which should help show Goan-Americans why the US solution 
should avoid the same route at any cost.



This sorry situation is not because the Brits are not compassionate or that 
their physicians are sub-standard - Brit physicians are among the best in the 
world.  However, this situation is typical of a government run system, no 
matter which country it resides in.  No one has the proper incentives to make a 
government-run system efficient.

A socialized health care system is the ultimate dream of all committed Marxists 
because not only does it intrude into and control their economic lives but 
their physical and mental condition as well.

The British NHS employs an unbelievable 1.4 million people for a small country, 
the vast majority of whom are babus and not physicians, nurses, lab technicians 
or therapists.  This is a huge vote bank for the Labour Party that will make 
any reform very difficult at the expense of the British people.  According to 
reports, an average of 45,000 NHS employees do not show up for work on any 
given day.  Imagine trying to run a business like this. 



In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands 
have suffered from poor standards of nursing, often with 'neglectful, 
demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel' treatment. 

The charity has disclosed a horrifying catalogue of elderly people left in 
pain, in soiled bed clothes, denied adequate food and drink, and suffering from 
repeatedly cancelled operations, missed diagnoses and dismissive staff. 

The Patients Association said the dossier proves that while the scale of the 
scandal at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust - where up to 1,200 people 
died through failings in urgent care - was a one off, there are repeated 
examples they have uncovered of the same appalling standards throughout the 
[end of excerpt]


2009-08-25 Thread Ruby Goes

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

One man's opinion.



[Goanet] Health Care in Britain - Expat Goes for a Checkup - NYTimes.com

2009-08-19 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 20:25:43 +1000
From: "Ruby Goes" 

The state of the NHS.

Mario adds:

Here's another one:


Britain's NHS is one of the largest employers in the world, with a reported 1.4 
million babus who know what's good for everyone else, better than they do.  
This is a HUGE vote bank for the Labour Party, which President Obama is trying 
to replicate in the US for his party - a dirty little secret which encompasses 
his desire to give amnesty to the estimated 15 million or so illegal aliens 
which would be an even bigger vote bank for the Democrats.

Here's another one about the hapless Canadian system:


The fact is that Britain, Canada and the US all need to reform their health 
care systems, for different reasons.

[Goanet] Health Care in Britain - Expat Goes for a Checkup - NYTimes.com

2009-08-19 Thread Ruby Goes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

Hi Goanetters,
The state of the NHS.
