FN wrote:
>> Do you think Goa can become the Cuba and Eastern Europe of Asia (in
Western music terms)? <<

Judging by the innovation, energy and quality of work reflected in the
websites below, I would say, Yes. 




Goa has some massive advantages: 
1) Market: Tourist arriving on full-week plus packages, every
week...many searching for something to do after dark. Westerner are
looking for something familiar, Easterners looking for something
different. All are looking for something 'hip'. All have money to spend.

2) Venues with Atmosphere: Indo-Portuguese food, drink, laid-back formal
service...nature and or colonial architectural backdrop add up to the
perfect setting for Latin or Jazz concerts. This atmosphere and pace is
a welcome alternative to the club scene. 

3) Talent: Learning, practising, preforming solo, and communal music is
valued part of Goan life. Many Goans speak and can sing in English and
likely could pick-up any song in a Romance Language easily. Goa also has
both, musician who have grow up with a western band music tradition and
those who fully understand and are versed in eastern music. And, unlike
in other areas, these musician have opportunities to hang out together. 

4) Fusion Tradition: From traditional Catholic hymns sung in Konkani to
Musical Theatre, Pop/Rock/Indian, Indo-jazz ang Goa Trance, Goa has a
tradition of musical fusion. Add to this, Goan musicians of the diaspora
communities who are connected to regional music and influences, past and

5) New Technology and Evolving Business Models: Laptop based studios,
selling over the web, accessing concert videos, personal and ongoing
social connection with an audience etc...with a faster connections,
decreasing cost of investment in technology and marketing the world is
increasingly accessible from Goa. 

6) Nature of the Job: Waking a noon, working for a few hours a day a few
days a week, strangers offering drinks, having a reason to travel, and
on top of this having a paid gig on arrival. Having a reason to leave
hair long or at least thee-days of facial hair, hanging at the beach in
the name of inspiration ... its the kind of career that suits the Goan

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

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