Re: [Goanet] Hitler as a Catholic

2006-09-04 Thread English Books - Al Ahsa

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So much has been written about the above topic. Now could some one tell my
Germany is called the Father land and not Mother land as done for most
countries? Are there any other countries which are father lands?


Jerry Fernandes


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Re: [Goanet] Hitler as a Catholic

2006-09-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By his actions over several years Hitler did not
 abide by a single tenet of the rock solid Catholic 
moral codes, which proves incontrovertibly that he 
was not a Catholic.

#1. You have not answered my question of:
Can anybody who uses the name of Jesus Christ to cuss
be called a catholic?

#2. Albert gave a bio of himself and asked if you
would reciprocate. You have been unable to do so.

Please show us exactly what you are made of.


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Re: [Goanet] Hitler as a Catholic

2006-09-01 Thread cornel

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Hi Peter

[With apologies to those Goanetters who may be absolutely bored of this 
issue by now. Hopefully this will be my last post on this topic, so please 
bear with me!]

Sorry I took longer to reply to your post than intended. Out of curiosity, I 
got reading the full texts of many of Hitler's speeches and these took ages. 
They definitely confirm my contention that Hitler was a Catholic, 
irrespective of the general consensus that, he was a monster and an 
extremely obnoxious character responsible for WW2 and the murder of 

1. Although you did not explain why you found my original statement about 
Hitler as a Catholic to be a source of humour, you have basically agreed 
with me that Hitler was a Catholic. You called him a cultural Catholic. 
This is fine by me. Thank you. I had of course gone beyond your description. 
From the historical evidence-- his declared belief in God, Jesus and 
Catholicism is very clear even though we can never truly know, as with 
anybody else, what exactly he believed within his Catholic faith. I am 
well satisfied that he was misguided in his faith, just as Osama bin Laden 
is, with regard to his stated devotion to Islam. While some Goanetters are 
happy to refer to Bin Laden as an Islamo Fascist, I am in absolute agreement 
with Aristo that Hitler was a Catholic Fascist and in good company with 
other WW2  Catholic Fascists like Franco (helped greatly by Hitler in the 
Spanish Civil War), and Mussolini.

So now, let's look at some differences in our interpretations about Hitler 
the Catholic! Conjectures and refutations, as in science, are the very stuff 
of the historical process. And as knowledge is provisional because it is 
continuously evolving and changing, (as distinct from useful and necessary, 
'Western' formulaic working facts like 2+2=4)  there is always room for much 
re-examination of  facts and interpretations to be able to have a fruitful 
discussion on any topic.

But before we do this, I'd like to clarify a misunderstanding from my 
earlier statement on Goanet (but not linked to you) that, all knowledge is 
provisional. This has been seemingly provocative to at least one 
particularly vociferous poster on Goanet. That all knowledge is provisional 
does not mean that it is not possible to arrive at a consensus about aspects 
of what is true and not true. Nor is there an acceptance that everything is 
relative, nor that consensual truth is provisional, or that historians 
merely re-define facts. Historians and all people in the knowledge industry, 
re-examine data continuously, not re-define it, except exceptionally. The 
recent example of Pluto, or about the contested view about who actually won 
in Lebanon, notwithstanding the cover page of the recent Economist that, 
Hizbullah did, illustrates my point about provisionality at any historical 
time. Above all, it is difficult to be dogmatic about most things outside 
the realm of belief. Healthy scepticism and criticality are most valued in 
our over-arching knowledge industry today. I therefore hope this provides 
some clarification to at least one poster who has been inclined to be rather 
over-reliant on commonsense instead of being better read and informed as I 
believe you definitely are!

2. To reiterate, I had said that:
a) Hitler was born and nurtured a Catholic, b) is on record in his own words 
and the words of his close associates that he was a Catholic, c) practised 
every public aspect of Catholicism such as church attendance, taking the 
sacraments, and faithfully paying his dues (taxes) to the Catholic Church, 
d) was never excommunicated, e) had a productive working relationship with 
the Vatican, minimally, through a Concordant, f) instituted  the Double 
Cross used in the Church which constituted the Swastika superimposed on the 
Crucifix, g) that there is a huge quantity of photographic evidence to 
confirm much of the above.

All such empirical evidence does make it much easier to 'prove' that Hitler 
was a Catholic rather than to 'prove' that he was not a Catholic which 
clearly requires an appeal to untestable faith issues.

3. In turn, whilst stating that Hitler was a cultural Catholic, you said 
that the word Christian meant different things in different parts of the 
world and illustrated this with reference to America, England, India and 
Lebanon. I do not dispute this at all. However, all my claims about Hitler 

Re: [Goanet] Hitler as a Catholic

2006-09-01 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Out of curiosity, I got reading the full texts of 
 many of Hitler's speeches and these took ages. 
 They definitely confirm my contention that Hitler
 was a Catholic, irrespective of the general 
 consensus that, he was a monster and an 
 extremely obnoxious character responsible for WW2
 and the murder of millions.
Mario responds:

Notwithstanding Cornel's increasingly desperate
attempts to portray Hitler as a Catholic, no sensible
person puts more credibility in what a megalomaniacal
genocidal tyrant like Hitler SAYS than in what he

By his actions over several years Hitler did not abide
by a single tenet of the rock solid Catholic moral
codes, which proves incontrovertibly that he was not a

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