Dear readers

Nearly over a hundred and fifty years ago some of our ancestors left Goa with 
their Potlos and koitos leaving the Pearl of the Orient having been told “the 
world is your oyster”.
Our Goykars are the only community I know that can be European and Indian at 
the same time.
Today’s disgruntled and homeless new arrivals in breadline Britain from Goa 
find solace at the great institution built by the son of a carpenter from 
Nazareth.   After Sunday service it is now common to hear of a scuffle or two 
going on resulting in hospital admission.   All in the name of LOVE.   
Let me explain.   When today’s young men left Goa in this century to seek their 
fortune they left their lady loves behind and asked their fellow Goykars in Goa 
to “look after them”.   Their fellow Goykars in Goa are doing just that -  
looking properly after their lady loves.   This is now turning into jealousy 
and “pistols after Sunday service” in other words a proper Goan kestao.
Local settled Goykars in the United Kingdom who have been here for years and 
who were once “Proud to be Goan” are becoming embarrassed to be associated with 
these “Koitoheads” who are easy to spot, just like the Koito they are sharp, 
bent and given the chance are ready to eat you out of house and home including 
your job.   With the festa dis season around the corner these koitoheads will 
gate crash a function towards the end with no dress code and trainers expecting 
everyone to welcome them.  They bring with them Goa’s next export – corruption. 
  The settled Goykars mainly from East Africa have resolved their 
embarrassment, the men now prefer to say that they come from Daman and ladies 
from Dui.
Valentine’s Day signals the end of the chocolate run to Goa which started in 
October.   Special request to the hot loves in Goa, please recall these 
koitoheads and stop the massacre and extermination of our Goan tribe.
Lets all work toward being Proud to be Goan and Viva World Goa Day 2014.
Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
12 February 2014

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