Re: [Goanet] How Not To Organize a Goan Convention

2008-08-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bosco D'Mello wrote:
 You have expressed your unhappiness a number of times (here on Goanet) re 
 the fact that 8 people were able to organize the 2008 International Goan 
 Convention. These 8 people delivered what WE agreed to do notwithstanding 
 the perpetual naysayers that are always found in our community.

The following is for those who are still interested in holding Goan 
I do not want to disclose who I am quoting and for this reason have X'd some 
Thanks for this info. Having played a major role in organizing a Goan
convention in XX, I am aware of all the squabbles that ensue
between competing personalities. My answer to such trivial nonsense is
do all the work that needs to be done, and let someone else take the
credit for doing it. Next time make people like XX and XX
emeritus co-presidents of the convention, with big garlanded pictures
of them on the website. Please don't lose heart.

Instant Messaging, free SMS, sharing photos and more... Try the new Yahoo! 
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[Goanet] How Not To Organize a Goan Convention

2008-08-16 Thread Roland Francis
Start plans about 4 months before the convention date.

Dilly-dally about a website. When one is created, let the person who
created it, finance it, but you must control it.

Discuss grand plans for costly venues without caring about the funding.

Expect commercial sponsors to come up with thousands of dollars a) at
a late hour and b) when you expect less than a hundred delegates.

If there are no sponsors, shaft the paying delegates with a big fee by
promising them a hot lunch.

When few want to pay, let your comrades in free to make the numbers as
the minimum promised to the venue has to be paid anyway.

Dismiss international visitors' accommodation questions with a casual
let them find their own.

Bring enthusiastic overseas speakers (some of whom drive for more than
10 hours and fly for more than 20) to give them the privilege to
lecture to a room of 5 people.

When things seem scary, try to rope in your local established Goan
Association and sulk when they refuse.

Be confident of managing with 7 to 8 people half of whom don't or
can't attend regular meetings.

If you feel the urge to go on a cruise or a holiday during critical
planning time, it doesn't matter.

Call for meetings in restaurants, discuss while imbibing alcohol and
have slanging matches.

Invite your friends during such meetings, stage a walk out with them
before the bill comes and make those remaining split the tab.

Shoot the critics rather than shoot their message, with malicious and
vitriolic posts outside of Goanet (they have been rejected there).

Get some attendees to pretend it was a huge success so that the same
mistakes are repeated.

Ignore the huge mass of local Goans with they are not serious.

Pretend 80 serious Goans 95% of whom have come for a holiday to the
city, have left a legacy for Goa.

When you incur a loss and face resignations, tell the committee they
can't leave until accounts are settled (dip in your pockets folks, you
thought you could get off with just giving your free time and work?)

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

Re: [Goanet] How Not To Organize a Goan Convention

2008-08-16 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Roland I am addressing this directly to you.

You have expressed your unhappiness a number of times (here on Goanet) re 
the fact that 8 people were able to organize the 2008 International Goan 
Convention. These 8 people delivered what WE agreed to do notwithstanding 
the perpetual naysayers that are always found in our community.

These 8 people are :

Francis  Clara Rodrigues
Kevin  Lisette Saldanha
Ben Antao
Walter Tavares
Mervyn Lobo
Bosco D'Mello

There were many people invited to meetings; many were afforded an 
opportunity to share their ideas; some wanted to be copied on correspondence 
but did not want to do any work. Most disappeared into the darkness. The 
truth of the matter is - the above 8 individuals stuck it out through thick 
and thin to deliver. Some community members were scampering a week before 
the convention to get on the program after dismissing it for months. We did 
our best to accomodate everybody albeit I'm certain there were lapses too, 
I'm sure. It is just not possible to get everything right at such complex 
events. I must also add, we were fortunate to have a few volunteers who 
supported specific activities/events.

There are some who have aired their views (here on Goanet and privately) one 
way or the other after the Convention and behaved very strangely..each 
one is responsible for (her)himself and will face the consequences. Life is 
an Equalizer!!

The objectives and activities of the Convention are open to debate. The 
success or failure of each Convention event is open to debate. Bouquets and 
Brickbats are always welcome as far as the Convention events are concerned. 
Those interested in the Convention came. Those not interested did not. And 
those unhappy that the Convention was even held notwithstanding their 
absence of support to the above 8 individuals are bitter. Such is Life!!

What is unacceptable is your choice to use Goanet to settle scores. By your 
support of Goanet do you really believe this to be the purpose of Goanet - a 
platform to administer retribution?

By all means criticise aspects of the Convention albeit in your case, 
Roland, you have forfeited that right as you did not attend. All you are 
doing is relying on hearsay and gossip to generate even more bitterness. 
Stop Roland!!! Stop!!! Find other avenues to settle your scores. You have 
already hurt your credibility.

While your acts of generosity towards Goan causes is not lost, your recent 
emails to Goanet are very distressing.

The cause of Goa and celebrating Goanness is bigger than the perceived hurts 
you and I feel, Roland. I get abuse in my mailbox regularly albeit it has 
subsided lately. 99.99% of those messages get no response from me!!

In closing I would like to say, it matters nought if you refuse to believe 
that the 2008 International Goan Convention in Toronto was a success or not. 
The event was planned, organized and staged by EIGHT individuals..not 
any longtime Goan association or professional group..EIGHT 
people..what it should tell everybody is if a few Goans want to get 
together and do something tangible in the interests of Goa, it can be done!! 
And those motivated by what you are doing will support you!!!

The myriad causes of Goa beckon you, Roland..abet them, do not denounce 
them!!! Goa needs the positive energies of all her sons and daughters!!!

- Bosco
Toronto, CA