Vol. 26, No. 6, 1976
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Genetic Studies among Endogamous Groups of Saraswats in Western India
H.M. Bhatia, S.R. Shanbhag, A.J. Baxi, J. Bapat, M.S. Sathe, R.S.
Sharma, H. Kabeer, Z.S. Bharucha, L. Surlacar

Blood Group Reference Centre (ICMR), Seth GS Medical College, and Tata
Blood Bank, JJ Hospital Compound, Bombay, and Goa Medical College,

Address of Corresponding Author

Hum Hered 1976;26:458-467 (DOI: 10.1159/000152841)

 goto top of page Key Words

   * Genetic marker studies
   * Saraswat Brahmans
   * Western India

 goto top of page Abstract

Three groups of Saraswat Brahmans in Western India and a group of Goan
Catholics ethnologically related to Saraswats were studied for various
genetic markers. Saraswats have higher A than B with an Rh(D)-negative
incidence ranging from 10 to 17%. All the groups have low incidence of
G-6-PD deficiency (up to 1 %). Incidence of thalassaemia trait ranges
from 1 to 6%. Gm(l) was present in 85-87%. Intergroup differences
suggest genetic closeness between the various groups with genetic
distance ranging from 0.8 to 1.5. Genetic relationship between Goan
Catholics and Chitrapur Saraswats confirms the ethnological and
historical evidence of relationship between the two groups.

Copyright © 1976 S. Karger AG, Basel

 goto top of page Author Contacts

Dr. H. M. Bhatia, Blood Group Reference Centre (ICMR), Seth GS Medical
College, Parel, Bombay, 4000 12 (India)

 goto top of page Article Information

Published online: August 28, 2008
Number of Print Pages : 10


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