The Editor
Gomantak Times

This letter may be published in the letter to the Editor column.

Stephen Dias.

The Aaadhaar Card and the Welfare Schemes cannot be linked together
because already illegal migrants have flooded the highly fragile state
like ours (State of Goa).
The way in which the Aaadhaar Card have been doled to persons who are
not the residents of the area has made the Aaadhaar process irrelevant
and not full proof.
The Government has sanctioned about  Rs 12000/- crores for the
the Aaahaar Card scheme, but this mess of linking to the Welfare
scheme is stupid. Than we must know that Aaadhaar card are given to
people who don't have bank accounts.
Aaadhaar card is also given to homeless people and destitutes. By the
way the first Aaadhaar Card was given to a lady in Delhi who had no
roof over on her head and was homeless. Why the  Maharashtra
Government has linked Aaadhaar Card with marriage purposes?
The purpose of Aaadhaar Card only to give you an Unique Identity that
one man, one identity and one Card.
The Government should put in place all the formalities to inter link
bank accounts, welfare scheme and identity to make this scheme fool
hardy. Hence in conclusion I must assert the Supreme Court is
justified in giving its judgement against the ill conceived and ill
implemented Aaadhaar Card scheme of Govt of India.

Stephen Dias
Date: 29.9.2013

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