While Imran Khan had access to very good education he could not absorb much
as he is thick headed! He was brought into power by the Pakistani Army and
Judiciary with the backing of CIA, and the Jewish Lobby. In his case the
CIA and Jews have common interests. Imran is very close to the Jews he
stays with his ex-mother-in-law in the UK and was lobbying for the brother
(Zac Goldsmith) of his ex-wife for the post Mayor of London. It is no
secret that the Christians believe that Christ (though a Jew) was killed by
the Jews. The Jews often mention that Christ did not exist.  Imran is just
pushing the views of his beloved Jewish (he is very close to them) mentors.
Nothing to be surprised about: Pakistani PM Imran Khan claims Jesus "had no
mention in history" https://www.rt.com/news/444699-imran-khan-jesus-remarks/

P.S. The disciples of the fake  वामदेव शास्त्री have been now dispatched to

  Self-bestowed Sanskrit title: वामदेव शास्त्री, IAST: Vāmadeva Śāstrī)

Born September 21, 1950 (age 68)
Wisconsin, United States
Nationality American
Occupation Vedacharya, Ayurvedic teacher, Vedic astrologer, writer
Spouse(s) Yogini Shambhavi Chopra
Website www.vedanet.com
My views are independent as I only belong to Bharat and have no links with
the Congress Party or BJP. Yet it is sad what is happening in Bharat . By
now the Jews have an invisible hand in the affairs of Bharat. We can engage
the Jew but should not let them take over things. A seasoned con-man David
Frawley have been decorated with the Padma Bhushan by the Modi government.
His degrees are also fake. This man (Frawley) along with his plants of
Bharati origin are out to corrupt our youth and to create a new form of
decadent Hinduism for us. Now his Bharati origin disciples (some have been
given a huge amount of money) have been sent to Bharat to do the job and
Modi could decorate these idiots as well, and ignore genuine Bharati
nationalistic people!  Hindus respect all religions (however we shall
liquidate the terrorists) but follow only our own and this Jewish person in
India is spreading he is a Catholic!
Frawley is a fraud close to the level of the other Jew:

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