[Goanet] Is Goan Indian?

2010-01-10 Thread Xanno Moidecar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Is Goan Indian?

Wishing all Goanetters a very happy New Year.  Belatedly nonetheless sincerely 

A nationality is determined by a number of common factors.   Unless of course 
coercion is the glue that binds.   Hence what is it that makes a Goan and an 

Language?  Religion? Cuisine? Dress? Mannerisms? Culture? Sports? Ethnicity?

For anyone to lay claim to common modern Indian nationality I believe the above 
criteria needs be fulfilled.

Hence is there commonality in all or at least a majority of the requirements 
betwixt Goemcars and the modern nation of India?

Is Goan Indian?


Xanno Moidecar


[Goanet] Is Goan Indian?

2010-01-10 Thread Cajetan Alvares

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Xanno Moidecar
No matter how much I explain to you, you will never become xanno.
Obvious reason being which place you were born in!
Therefore xanno or no xanno, if born in Indian subcontinent, now, before or
after, no atter what colour or creed or shape or size.
You are _ _ _ _ _ (fill in)

[Goanet] Is Goan Indian?

2010-01-10 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2010 14:08:01 +
From: Cajetan Alvares 

No matter how much I explain to you, you will never become xanno.
Obvious reason being which place you were born in!
Therefore xanno or no xanno, if born in Indian subcontinent, now, before or
after, no atter what colour or creed or shape or size.
You are _ _ _ _ _ (fill in)

Mario observes:

Not true, Cajetan, this Moidekar actually happens to be xanno, though we have 
no idea who he is.  I see you, too, have been distracted by Samir's red 

Where you were born is a matter of random chance you had no control over.

The country you later choose to be a citizen of is a matter of informed and 
intelligent choice.  In most case the informed and intelligent choice is to 
ratify the random chance.  In many cases it is not.

There are entire countries where almost all the citizens, except for small 
numbers of indigenous people, have an ancestry, now, before or after, from 
somewhere else.  Perhaps you have heard of these countries which are Australia, 
Canada, New Zealand and the USA.

Now, can we get back to the discussion about the growing mess in Goa and what 
to do about it?

[Goanet] Is Goan Indian?

2010-01-11 Thread Xanno Moidecar
I thank Mr Goveia for intimating that I may  be ‘xanno’.  I am grateful for his 
kindness but I wouldn’t be too sure about that.   

I hasten to assure Mr Cajetan Alvares that my assumption of  the ‘xanno’ 
sobriquet has  merely  been an attempt for the last couple of decades or so to 
play  with the hereditary tag my fellow ganvcars have been saddled with for 

It is a bit sad though that Mr Alvares has such a low opinion of Moidecars per 
se.  But then weighed down with intelligence as he so obviously is, it must be 
difficult for one of Mr Alvares’ calibre to suffer fools gladly.

Now for Mr Alvares’ fill in the blank: “I am born on the Indian subcontinent, 
etc., etc., hence my nationality is…….”

I wasn’t.  

And Mr Alvares please clarify whether the person completing that sentence would 
have been born post or prior 1945 and if after the end of the British Indian 
State in which of the three nations of the sub-continent.

Secondly Mr Alvares pray tell me why you consider yourself an Indian.  I 
insinuate no insult here. I just want Mr Alvares’ notion of nationhood 


Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] Is Goan Indian?

2010-01-12 Thread Cajetan Alvares
And Mr Alvares please clarify whether the person completing that sentence
would have been born post or prior 1945
Secondly Mr Alvares pray tell me why you consider yourself an Indian. Xanno

Does not matter post or prior.
British and Portugalees were invaders of the Indian Sub.
Any one born in India is Indian, If the British or the other wanted you to
be one of them, it is  their prerogative.

[Goanet] Is Goan Indian?

2010-01-13 Thread Xanno Moidecar
I accept that birth is one of the criteria that allow a person to claim 
citizenship of a country.

But this reminds me of the late British comedian Bernard Manning known for his 
xenophobic commentaries.  One of his quips that always drew a big laugh from 
the racists amongst his audience was: “Just because a bitch gives birth in a 
stable does not make her puppies racehorses.”

Now Mr Alvares, unpleasantly put as that was, tell me what besides birth makes 
you an Indian.

Also what does it make those born before 1963 when Goem was part of the 
Portuguese nation?  What about all those Goemcars born outside Goem?

I stress again, I do not want to insult you or your obvious pride in your 
Indian citizenship.  I am just worried that our pride and patriotism in our 
Indian-ness may be making us blind to the damage that Liberation has brought 
along with freedom and relative liberty.

I am still trying to make sense of the fact that in 1963 after having rid 
ourselves of the influences that drastically altered, if not destroyed our 
traditional culture; we have now been saddled with a plethora of other Indian 
nationalities vying like hell to make Goem in their own image.

I would have been extremely proud to declare my affection and pride in my mul 
Indian heritage if only my Goemcar one had been preserved and not swamped by an 
overwhelming tsunami bent on subjugating Goemcar-ponn and pouring in torrents 
from the rest of the subcontinent.


Xanno Moidecar