Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-03 Thread Dan Driscoll
Let me add, that this is a very timely and beneficial exchange at a time
when new Pontiff takes over:

The Constantine gambit, whereby Roman Imperial aspirations were supported
by a some 'doctrinal collaborators', put Christian ideology into a cement
mold of 'historical context' which may indeed have been  'providential' in
that 'it worked' ---'true', *for its place and time'*.

The person of Jesus and the narratives surrounding him are our 'veritable'
signposts which 'in the fullness of evolutionary time' must give way to 'a
different way of seeing' (Teilhard). All avenues of religious culture are
part of a process whereby the core of cosmic reality is 'revealed'. As
Ghandi said, "all of (the roads) lead to the same Centre; and none of them
are perfect'. No need to think in terms of 'right' or  'wrong', 'true or
'not true'.

The Asian counterpart of Teilhard was Sri Aurobindo, and the late Dr. K.D.
Sethna (of Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry) did a book comparing &
contrasting Aurobindo & Teilhard. *The Spirituality of the Future, *published
(1981) by Associated University Presses Inc. ISBN 0-8386-2028-0. I got a
copy from (I think) Amazon, but no doubt it will be at the Aurobindo Ashram
Bookshop. It is a rather dense read, but for serious 'seekers' in the Asian
Region I'd say---*'significant'*.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:12 AM, Eugene Correia wrote:

> Ana Maria Fernandes seems to have a beef with the Catholic Church. However,
> it would be nice on her part to inform if she is a Believer or a Catholic
> or an Atheist. It would then help us to answer more pointedly.
> Besides the books that Dan has mentioned there's are lot of other books
> which will provide Ana with answers. At the same time there are lot of
> books which will pose the same questions she's been raising and many  more.
> Books such as Is the Pope Infaalible? by Fr. Hans Kung is good for a start
> if one has to know the challenges thrown to the dogmatic church.
> But there are books that provide theological insights into Catholicism and
> Ana Maria could perhaps find many books at seminaries in Goa. I found lot
> of answers to many questions I had in the library of St. Michael's in
> Toronto.
> Admittedly, the Church has no answers to many historical questions. The
> answer to Who is Jesus and How He Became Christ is still NOT fully
> answered. There are hundreds of books on Jesus and His Ministry.
> Most importantly, it's faith in the unknown that helps carry on forward in
> one's religious life. Without faith, one can end up being an agnostic or
> atheist. The choice is one's own.
> Eugene

[Goanet] Is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-03 Thread Antonio Menezes
Ana Maria ? If I were to answer your question , I would  rather timidly say
that no true
answer may ever be found to your excellent query.

The main principles of Christianity were laid down by Jesus Christ before
Crucifixion in 33 AD.Roman Emperor Constantine gathered together all
decentralized Christian sects  of Roman Empire at ( Council of ) Nicaea and
with the help of savants of various Christian denominations arrived at what
may call THIS IS WHAT WE BELIEVE IN  in 325 AD.

Between Christ's Crucifixion  and adoption of centralized Christianity  at
in 325 AD ,  three hundred years had elapsed within which period original
Christian doctrines may have undergone various changes and impurities could
have seeped in . ( Why, didn't we incorporate confraria principles in Goa ?

As for your queries on this belief and that belief,  let me say that it is
that a Pope here and there could have converted some superstitious beliefs
into dogmas on the ground that he is not only omniscient but infallible as

Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-03 Thread floriano lobo

"In today’s world, only the mother knows who is her
child. Rest all is affidavit before mamlatdar".

Cheers to this doc.
Much appreciated.
Need of Solomon the King with his sword to dispense JUSTICE
Can't see this on GOA"s immediate horizons.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 9:27 AM
Subject: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

On 1 July 2013 17:26, Ana Maria Fernandes  

No  our religion is not true. Peter is not the first pope. Prove that he
was the first pope. If he was a pope why was he murdered? Mary in catholic
churches is only a diety. priests blesses and insences the idiols. they 

adoring statues. what ever is blessed by priest becomes a god. Mary was
never born without original sin nor she is the mother of God. Jesus was 

born on 25th nDecember. let any priest proof this


Don’t know about your religion neither that of Bin

Peter was the rock on which Jesus built his church.

Peter’s surname was not Pope, like Alexander or John.
He was Simon Peter.

Peter was not murdered but executed. Pope John Paul II
was shot.

In our church, and even in all homes, Mary is mother
of God.

Priest blessed my car, my car is not my God.

I have seen babies born hairy, bald, with defects,
teeth.  Have you seen any with Original

In today’s world, only the mother knows who is her
child. Rest all is affidavit before mamlatdar.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-03 Thread Eugene Correia
Ana Maria Fernandes seems to have a beef with the Catholic Church. However,
it would be nice on her part to inform if she is a Believer or a Catholic
or an Atheist. It would then help us to answer more pointedly.
Besides the books that Dan has mentioned there's are lot of other books
which will provide Ana with answers. At the same time there are lot of
books which will pose the same questions she's been raising and many  more.
Books such as Is the Pope Infaalible? by Fr. Hans Kung is good for a start
if one has to know the challenges thrown to the dogmatic church.
But there are books that provide theological insights into Catholicism and
Ana Maria could perhaps find many books at seminaries in Goa. I found lot
of answers to many questions I had in the library of St. Michael's in
Admittedly, the Church has no answers to many historical questions. The
answer to Who is Jesus and How He Became Christ is still NOT fully
answered. There are hundreds of books on Jesus and His Ministry.
Most importantly, it's faith in the unknown that helps carry on forward in
one's religious life. Without faith, one can end up being an agnostic or
atheist. The choice is one's own.


[Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On 1 July 2013 17:26, Ana Maria Fernandes  wrote:

> No  our religion is not true. Peter is not the first pope. Prove that he
> was the first pope. If he was a pope why was he murdered? Mary in catholic
> churches is only a diety. priests blesses and insences the idiols. they are
> adoring statues. what ever is blessed by priest becomes a god. Mary was
> never born without original sin nor she is the mother of God. Jesus was not
> born on 25th nDecember. let any priest proof this


Don’t know about your religion neither that of Bin

Peter was the rock on which Jesus built his church.

Peter’s surname was not Pope, like Alexander or John.
He was Simon Peter.

Peter was not murdered but executed. Pope John Paul II
was shot.

In our church, and even in all homes, Mary is mother
of God.

Priest blessed my car, my car is not my God.

I have seen babies born hairy, bald, with defects,
teeth.  Have you seen any with Original

In today’s world, only the mother knows who is her
child. Rest all is affidavit before mamlatdar.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread Dan Driscoll
If I may be so bold as to recommend reading which I think might he helpful.
Contemporary 'religious truth' is, I think, better comprehended in a
'space/time' evolutionary context---as distinct from  a 'Mediterranean
Classical' mindset. Read from works of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French
Jesuit, d. 1955 (*The Divine Milieu*), & (Canadian) Tom Harpur (*The Pagan
Christ*/*Water into Wine)  *--- those works are in print, and should click
up on* Amazon* or *Flipkart.*

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Ana Maria Fernandes <> wrote:

> No  our religion is not true. Peter is not the first pope. Prove that he
> was the first pope. If he was a pope why was he murdered? Mary in catholic
> churches is only a diety. priests blesses and insences the idiols. they are
> adoring statues. what ever is blessed by priest becomes a god. Mary was
> never born without original sin nor she is the mother of God. Jesus was not
> born on 25th nDecember. let any priest proof this

Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 2 July 2013 22:44, floriano lobo  wrote:

> What are you trying to prove Ana Marie Fernandes?
> Cheers

Let me guess...

* That FLoriano is not the only one to be able to rile up a whole lot of
poeple with a few online b(i)tes?
* That JC is not the only one who can reply a question with a question?
* That a religious controversy is best to pep up Goanet when even Goa is
* That a Florian would ask, and a me would bother to answer? :-)


Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread floriano lobo

What are you trying to prove Ana Marie Fernandes?


- Original Message - 
From: "Ana Maria Fernandes" 

Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:56 PM
Subject: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

No  our religion is not true. Peter is not the first pope. Prove that he was 
the first pope. If he was a pope why was he murdered? Mary in catholic 
churches is only a diety. priests blesses and insences the idiols. they are 
adoring statues. what ever is blessed by priest becomes a god. Mary was 
never born without original sin nor she is the mother of God. Jesus was not 
born on 25th nDecember. let any priest proof this   = 

Re: [Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 1 July 2013 12:26, Ana Maria Fernandes  wrote:
(1) Peter is not the first pope. (2) Prove that he was the first pope.
(3) If he was a pope why was he murdered?


Ola Ana Maria.

re 1: Please tell us .If Peter was not the first Pope, who was?

re 2: You prove that Peter was NOT the first Pope.

re 3: Hunh?

ps: I am sure it really matters whether Peter was or wasn't the first pope.

BTW:  I (like my 'friend' from the BJP) always thought that Pope
Francis from Old Goa was the first pope.

[Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
No  our religion is not true. Peter is not the first pope. Prove that he was 
the first pope. If he was a pope why was he murdered? Mary in catholic churches 
is only a diety. priests blesses and insences the idiols. they are adoring 
statues. what ever is blessed by priest becomes a god. Mary was never born 
without original sin nor she is the mother of God. Jesus was not born on 25th 
nDecember. let any priest proof this