
I received an interesting G-chat message a couple of minutes ago -
asking whether I was making a double typo or whether I was
linguistically challenged wrt certain words. So I checked and thought
I'd ask the question of those in the know.

QUESTION: Is there any particular reason i.e. Is there some 'frakness'
in the GoaNet software which causes words to be modified at least when
transmitted in digest format? (The CAPS are mine)


Exhibit A: Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1313  #8. Re: Exploding the
myths on Goanet (J. Colaco  < jc>)

(i) (Let me acknowledge in advance a well used worn CLICH? i.e.
Doctors mistakes bury etc)

(ii) jc: another CLICH?

EXHIBIT B: The "sent mail" and GoaNet Archives

(i) (Let me acknowledge in advance a well used worn CLICHÉ? i.e.
Doctors mistakes bury etc)

(ii) jc: another CLICHÉ?

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