It’s difficult to believe the Americans didn’t know the Taliban were making 
secret deals with Afghan Security Forces all over the place, to make the puppet 
government capitulate.

This may be a WhatsApp forward, a hypothesis of someone in the know, a complete 
flight of fertile fancy or just another conspiracy theory. Personally the last 
para tells me it comes from the keyboard of anti terrorist but also 
America-hating Muslim political interests. The whole of it seems plausible 
enough given the history of the CIA but only unfolding events will tell.

America made a strategic deal with the Taliban under Trump after studying the 
Afghans and their politics for over a decade and finding out that the corrupt 
government they helped install there was deliberately milking America and not 
really ready to build the modern democratic secular country that America 
wanted. The classified part of that agreement reached last year with the 
Taliban in Doha is what happened in the past few weeks, is still happening and 
will unravel more and more in Afghanistan in the coming days, weeks, months and 

Biden only implemented an American policy envisioned by Obama and articulated 
and kicked off by Trump. That policy is that America decided to return 
Afghanistan to what they saw as a new Taliban, one that will cooperate with 
them against Al Qaida, ISIS, Iran and other strategic rivals of the West in 
that part of the world. Why do you think Biden left untouched the man Trump 
appointed to oversee the implementation of the deal, to continue in office till 
this minute? 

What you're seeing unfolding in Afghanistan is in essence a CIA and Pakistani 
ISI operation clothed in Taliban garb. That is why American journalists and 
other US and Western citizens are still in various parts of Afghanistan 
unmolested up this minute. That is also why the Taliban entered Kabul without a 
fight. That is why they have so far stayed away from the airport and are even 
cooperating with the US military to direct traffic in and out of the airport 
since yesterday. That is why till this minute, they have not forcefully entered 
the US or any other Western nation's evacuated embassy compounds, but are 
rather guarding them. That is why till now they are yet to form a government 
but are rather still consulting with other entrenched interests, including the 
US at Doha and within the country.

If the US doesn't want the American military hardware, especially Blackhawk 
helicopters and three survelance drones that are now in Taliban hands to be so, 
all it will take is just some sorties by the US Air Force and all of them will 
become pieces of scattered metal. But that has not happened and will not happen 
because there was a deal on what they will leave and what they will not leave 
behind. All what they cannot leave behind are already out of the country or 
firmly in American hands inside the country at the moment.

Forget the political sound-bites coming from US politicians and media. The 
chaos was planned ahead of time and is being stage-managed to cover the real 
thing, which is the deliberate displacement of an incapable government to make 
way for a devil that has agreed at Doha to become CIA's play tool against Iran, 
China and Russia in exchange for power in a country where America has zero 
political and economic interests.

So be calming down and watch events unfold in the months and years to come. 
Strategic covert  operation is far different from traditional diplomatic 
foreign policy. The former is what happened and not by shape or manner, the 

Trump knows. Republicans know. Russia knows. China knows. Iran knows. Turkey 
knows. The Gulf countries know. EU knows. Britain knows. The silence and the 
scattered expressions of outrage from a few European nations that you're 
hearing, are all part of the game. American politicians, who were in the know, 
know. Those who were not previously briefed and needed to be brought up to 
speed now are being briefed. Biden will never address America till the process 
is completed. Even when he does, the real thing will never be said in the 

The guys who ran or are currently running American foreign and domestic 
policies, including Trump and Biden, are no crazy fools. Sadly, they always 
succeed in playing those, unwilling to look deeper and ask critical questions 
before concluding on issues like this, for fools and such folks always fall for 
their tricks anyways. Sadder even, the Muslim Ummah that were woefully traded 
for power by the power hungry Talibans are the ones that are all over the place 
rejoicing out of ignorance.


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