On 4th October 2010 evening two of us
from Goa found ourselves in Sakhri Nata for a fishermen’s gathering ‘machchimar
melava’. It is a small town of Sakhri Nata on Konkan coast that forms an
urban centre in Ratnagiri taluka in India’s Maharastra State. Indian democracy
here is radiated with French company Areva locating their nuclear power plant
with Indian government providing it with red carpet welcome. The surrounding is
mostly of fishermen who fish in Arabian sea via mechanized trawlers and other
small non-mechanized boats. Thirty years ago these two varieties of fishermen
clashed with each other. Today they are clashing with world’s biggest nuclear
power plant that is supposed to generate 10,000 mega watts of electricity.
National Environmental Engineering Institute (NEERI) prepared the report on
this project but its scientists and technician found no trace of fishermen’s
villages – Madban and others surrounding villages to suit the location of
Nuclear Plant in thickly populated area. Scientists of NEERI are principal
colluders in this deadly episode unfolding around 200 kilometers away from
Goa’s northern border. In other words NEERI indulged in scientifically
unethical practices to prepare a doctored report. And in order to make the
reality as per the report government agencies has mounted tremendous pressure
on the fishermen to leave fishing trade. It has banned Nepali labor from
entering trawler citing that they are a threat to national security. As if
Nuclear power plant on the banks of Arabian Sea is any less of national
security issue. It has censorship and complete immunity from investigations
from anyone including the Parliament. And now of course with Nuclear Liability
Bill being passed in the Indian parliament Nuclear Industry dominated by USA
and Europe has a field day. It is totally free to carry on the orgy of violence
and deception, to remain as invisible as Alfa, Beta, and Gama rays. So
fisheries are being pushed to fold up and let the control of Arabian Sea under
the nuclear baron’s buttons. 5,500 crore litres of water from Arabian Sea will
be used daily and after hitting it will be released back into the Sea thereby
threatening marine ecology adversely. All this I learned in the introduction at
the public meeting at Sakhri Nata by Vaishali Patil who is active in various
protests movements that includes mining out of Western Ghats. Vaishali is
keenly followed up by the Indian Intelligence agencies and in Sakhri Nata
special sleuth from IB was there as an extended eye of the big brother. Number
of people spoke at this evening public meeting video filmed by Maharastra
Police. With Kaiga power nuclear plant just 22 kilometers away from Goa’s
southern border in Karnatak already a reality Goa state is now is nuclear
sandwich state with alarming consequences.

Pravin Dhawankar shared his experience of facing police
violence while in struggle. He is involved locally to mobilize people against
Nuclear power plant. He questioned if India is free after witnessing police
mauling of protesting citizens in Jaitapur. Police moved in Madban village
kicked every village house and even arrested few people. Pravin himself was
arrested while he was sick and subjected to police harassment some time ago. He
was sure about what is needed to be done: time to come out on the streets.

Madban Sarpanch Bicaji Vagdhare disclosed that Colonial Law
– Land Acquisition Act 1894 has been imposed by the State to take over the land
for nuclear power plant. He was clear in the resolved the struggle: government
will be responsible for the consequences.

Nirajat from the organization called Lakayat gave lots of
technical information to the public. The nuclear capacity is 100 times that of
Hiroshima atom bombs. It would generate 300 tonnes nuclear waste per year for
24 years. This will amount to total waste of 12,000 tonnes. This waste will
remain radio active for the period of 3,000 years as per the doctored
government studies but actual nuclear life of the waste will be 1 lakh lakh
(10000000000) years.

President of National Fishermen’s Forum Mathany Saldanha
called for the political fight and asked the fishermen to join the national
protest on 29th October 2010.

Former Member of Indian Parliament Major Sudhir Sawant
launched scathing criticism of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh branding him as an
Agent of USA corporations – ‘Dalal’. He said that it is the foreign corporate
who are responsible for setting up Nuclear Power plants in India. He said this
is a conspiracy to blackmail India.

Justice Kolse Patil, a retired High court Judge called for
peaceful protests and asked people to launch house to house campaign to create
awareness. He said that Gandhi and Indian constitution provides enough
resources for successful movement against the corporate in peaceful manner. He
directed his salvos against the police repression and asked people to combine
efforts to fight police out the Jaitapur: ‘Once police leave, nuclear plant
will leave’. He declared that he will join the struggle against Areva nuclear
plant on streets with the protesting villagers. He called for fearlessness in a
fight till the end.

Thomas Kochery, a veteran in fishermen’s struggle in
India who survived heart attack four times last year was again at his committed
best and laid out the agitation roadmap for future tracing its roots into the
past struggles. He observed that Government of India is incapable of
handling Chernobyl type of nuclear accident. This is evident from the fact that
Government of India has done nothing after the Bopal gas tragedy. He mentioned
that all the nuclear power plants are planed to be located on the coast because
companies want to dump all the radio active waste in the sea. ‘They want to
kill all the fish. They want to communicate radio activity to all the human
beings. 30-40 kilometers radius distance will affected with the radioactive
waste. All future generations, pregnant women will be affected with radio
active rays. We have to oppose because of heavy generation of Carbon dioxide
(CO2). India has no plans to reduce CO2.’ He further added ‘we have to oppose
new CRZ notification. By opposing CRZ we are opposing all the projects on the
coast. Fishing communities are betrayed by Government of India. We have to rise
up like 1991-97 protests against deep sea fishing policy. One crore fishermen
had stood against this. If we rise up on the entire coast, all the political
parties will come behind us. Agitation is starting on 29thOctober

‘There must be no fishing on 29th October.
There must be no selling of fish. No eating of fish. This is the beginning.
Like how we blocked Bombay harbor, blocked Kutch harbor, Porbandar harbor,
blocked Cochin and Vishakkapatnam harbor. 1994 February 22 entire fishing
community went on strike – 100%. No markets worked. All political parties stood
with us. This is the way fishermen responded against deed Sea fishing in

‘Similarly we have to rise up and more and show on 29th October.
Rise up from all over India, from every fishing community. Victory will be

Nuclear eclipse of Indian democracy will hopefully go away
with passage of time. It demands tremendous efforts in defense of life,
livelihood, Western Ghats and my dearest Arabian Sea on whose shore I was born
on a sand dune on a rainy day in 1973.

Arabian Sea has been playmate and a friend all the years in
this life. In times of worst of difficulties I opened my heart to him. Now
Arabian Sea has been threatened by Nasty nukes those responsible will only be
dumped in the Arabian Sea. It does not matter whether it is Prime Minister of
India or of France or any one else. Interest of Life on land and life on Sea
take undoubted precedence over orgies of nuclear plants. Its time to fight.
This is my cry. This is my beginning. Invite to join to defend my Arabian Sea.
I extend my hand and waiting for you hold on to make a chain of hands across
the shores of Arabian Sea. I call upon you to generate a wave to blow away
dirty nukes from the shores of Arabian Sea. I walk with head held high and fear
to none. My voice is my weapon. My mind is my fire. I share my spark so that
you get ignited. I carry no wings of fire but live my footprints on the sandy
shores of Arabian Sea. I have taken the first step. Next one to follow. Dirty
nukes go away. Arabian Sea is not for you. I am a child of Arabian Sea and this
is my command to you.
Sebastian Rodrigues

Sebastian Rodrigues                                       

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