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--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check here and evaluate Joe's Bungalow for the last time:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk4/178985034/ 
> Last date is extended till 20th July.


What to tell you. The tenants have taken over the property. One brother and 
sister (both mundkars)
don't get along, so they split the property. One has taken the land, one the 
house. The government
has surveyed it for the next IT park in Goa. Swen, a foreign national, with a 
legal tourist visa
but illegal business visit, has a sales deed in his name claiming the house. 
The local MLA wants
to convert the place to a playground for children (his children). Arvind says 
it is built on top
on a temple. The Goa Historical society want to convert it into a historic site 
since one
Portuguese coin was found there. The Devnagiri and Romi Konkani folks are going 
to hold opposing
rallies on the property tomorrow. If the house is still standing after that, 
the rave party folks
would like your permission to have a trance party for three days. Actually, 
they don't want your
permission, but would like the Goan public to think they legally seek 
permission. There is a
allegation that one Bihari and one Kashmiri stole mangoes from your tree since 
all crime is
committed by illegals in Goa while our "Goa for Goans" crowd is crime free. 
While all of this is
happening on your property, the Goan media is reporting that the flowers are 
blooming on your
neighbor’s property. 

Difficult to tell what the property is worth in our beloved Goa. Please check 
with Pedro who has
been in the real estate business in Goa for a very long time - about a week or 
so I think.


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