[Goanet] Join politics as mission, Bedi tells youth - H- 14.5.11- Comments

2011-05-14 Thread floriano

Vasco. May 13.

Former IPS officer and noted social activist Kiran Bedi on Friday encouraged 
youth to get into politics as a mission and passion, and  not for business 
or profession.
Politics without basic positive community development and social work is 
corrupt politics. Youth aspiring to join politics should build their 
foundation on community development and social work, said Bedi.

Bedi was addressing an interactive session with youth during her visit as 
part of the nationwide campaign India Against Corruption at Shantoshi 
Maata Temple, New Vaddem, Vasco.

Youth should not take to  politics as a business or profession, but 
politics should be mission and passion for them,  said Bedi, who previously 
served as SP Traffic in

the State.

Even Mahatma Gandhi was in politics but he never used it as business or 
profession, but as passion for a social cause, she said.

Advising youth to begin their political carrier with positive social work 
and community development, the former Ramon Magsaysay Awardee said people 
would automatically give their mandate to good leaders.

Commenting on the present educaiton system, Bedi regretted that politicians 
had deliberately sidelined community development projects.

Students are centered towards studies and careers, paying little attention 
to community development and social work. In countries like Germany, 
students are not awarded BA degrees until they dedicate one year to 
community development, said Bedi.Community projects have been deliberately 
neglected in our education system, because politicians don't want a new 
nursery of youth in community service, which enable them to be good 
leaders, she added.


You have touched the raw nerves of Goans, dear Ms. Kiran Bedi.
The youth of Goa must pay heed to your words above.
These days, no one wants to do anything without a prize, a pat on the back, 
a photograph in the newspapers etc.
Today's youth looks at politics as a milching cow. Come election time the 
youth, by the dozens,   are seen campaigning for corrupt politicians because 
they need the pocket money. If these kids are smart, they will divide the 
amount they make during election time by 1825 days [ 5 years x 365 days] 
that the corrupt MLA will be in power (if s/he wins) which will be less than 
rupees 5 a day. And to think that they have sold themselves for this 
pittance is shameful rather than to work for their own empowerment and 

In the case of Goa Su-Raj Party, it was MISSION joined with PASSION all the 
way that made a few citizens sit together to put pen to paper.
But mission and passion does not mix with unloading of huge amount of money 
to score wins. If it did, it would be counter productive and the mission and 
passion which got it started in the first place, would be washed away and 

And we at goasuraj have seen that 'missions' and 'passions' nobody wants. 
Everyone wants easy money.
That is why hardly any body walks in to find out what we are and where we 
want to take GOA.   If they did, there would be no need for Anna Hazare, 
Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi to come to Goa to put some sense into the 
minds of Goans that corruption must end. It would end the day goasuraj came 
to power. And it would be a showcase for the  the rest of , not so corrupt 
as Goa, India.

2012 elections are around the corner. Goa Su-Raj will want as many persons 
with 'mission' and 'passion' to come forward to walk the talk. Goasuraj has 
talked thro' its unique constitution and its no-nonsense Road Map for Goa. 
Rest assured, it will not be an easy piece of cake for anyone to get in with 
less of the 'mission' and 'passion' , for,  goasuraj is all that plus  more.

It must be remembered that goasuraj is not talking in the air. It has all 
angles worked out, including the nitty-gritty of electioneering and election 
strategies where the need for large amounts of money is not at all necessary 
if equivalent of 'mission' and 'passion' is available.

And all of these things plus more will not only happen but will be seen to 
1. The mining in Goa STOPPED completely, whether it is legal or illegal, 
until such time that a no-nonsense mining policy is put on the road and seen 
to be running.

2. Good-bye to GARBAGE, filth and indiscriminate and carefree dumping.
3. Goa POLICE put in a straight-jacket with ZERO political interference.
4. Reduced Cabinet ( 5 only) to save crores of drain to the exchequer.
5. MLAs debarred from taking positions of government Corporations and 

6. Konkani in Romi and Devanagiri to be the sole OFFICIAL LANGUAGE.
7. MOI (Medium of Instructions) in government primary schools and government 
with state of the art Government Primary schools and school buildings.
8. All roads in Goa hot-mixed to last at least 5 years with swift 
infrastructure for patch-work repairs in place.
9. All road  speed 

Re: [Goanet] Join politics as mission, Bedi tells youth - H- 14.5.11- Comments

2011-05-14 Thread vivek araujo
At times i feel inspired when i read such bold articles , it lift's you up with 
lot of confidance and hope that one day yes i too will Join Politics and will 
do this and that for people , for the state and for my Country India and so 
forth and it is always great to have such feeling not only amongst the youth be 
it male or female ..good to be inspired by our clean Politicians (i am trying 
to think which clean Politician should i mention)and so forth and thanks to 
Floriano for such an elaborative and impressive article in reply to Kiran 
Bedi's address.

I was watching the Poll results in West Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry 
and Kerala and i can understand the change in West Bengal and Kerala , but 
Tamil Nadu ..under the leadership of AIADMK then  was corrupt toO where 
people made hay while the sun shonethen DMK and their  group alo did play 
big role during their tenure to get richer and now again AAIDMK again to make 
up for the loss when they were not in Power. 

No matter whosoever comes to Power and leads any state in India he/she must be 
corrupt they cannot be saints ...(I have a great respect for Kiran Bedi and 
never heard any scams against her   that is why she speaks so confidantly 
without any fear )now we need such leaders to lead us , not those who cannot 
confidantly and directly point fingers at a particular Politician that he/she 
has done such and such corrupt things or has  companies or partnerships in such 
business etc because the same Politician also fears skeletons will start 
falling from their cupboards too and that is sad and i call it as Hypocracy and 
illeterate electorate succumb to such filmy talk and elect wrong people .

One need not join Politics to bring in a positive change of the entire state of 
Goa and India ...they can do so even if they do not Join politics .


--- On Sat, 14/5/11, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com
 Subject: [Goanet] Join politics as mission, Bedi tells youth - H- 14.5.11- 
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Saturday, 14 May, 2011, 7:37 PM
 Vasco. May 13.
 Former IPS officer and noted social activist Kiran Bedi on
 Friday encouraged youth to get into politics as a mission
 and passion, and  not for business or profession.
 Politics without basic positive community development and
 social work is corrupt politics. Youth aspiring to join
 politics should build their foundation on community
 development and social work, said Bedi.
 Bedi was addressing an interactive session with youth
 during her visit as part of the nationwide campaign India
 Against Corruption at Shantoshi Maata Temple, New Vaddem,
 Youth should not take to  politics as a business or
 profession, but politics should be mission and passion for
 them,  said Bedi, who previously served as SP Traffic
 the State.
 Even Mahatma Gandhi was in politics but he never used it
 as business or profession, but as passion for a social
 cause, she said.
 Advising youth to begin their political carrier with
 positive social work and community development, the former
 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee said people would automatically give
 their mandate to good leaders.
 Commenting on the present educaiton system, Bedi regretted
 that politicians had deliberately sidelined community
 development projects.
 Students are centered towards studies and careers, paying
 little attention to community development and social work.
 In countries like Germany, students are not awarded BA
 degrees until they dedicate one year to community
 development, said Bedi.Community projects have been
 deliberately neglected in our education system, because
 politicians don't want a new nursery of youth in community
 service, which enable them to be good leaders, she added.
 You have touched the raw nerves of Goans, dear Ms. Kiran
 The youth of Goa must pay heed to your words above.
 These days, no one wants to do anything without a prize, a
 pat on the back, a photograph in the newspapers etc.
 Today's youth looks at politics as a milching cow. Come
 election time the youth, by the dozens,   are
 seen campaigning for corrupt politicians because they need
 the pocket money. If these kids are smart, they will divide
 the amount they make during election time by 1825 days [ 5
 years x 365 days] that the corrupt MLA will be in power (if
 s/he wins) which will be less than rupees 5 a day. And to
 think that they have sold themselves for this pittance is
 shameful rather than to work for their own empowerment and
 In the case of Goa Su-Raj Party, it was MISSION joined with
 PASSION all the way that made a few citizens sit together to
 put pen to paper.
 But mission and passion does not mix with unloading of huge
 amount of money to score wins. If it did, it would be
 counter productive and the mission and passion which got it