
via A.Anthony FERNANDES <https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1>
29 minutes ago
 near London
 · Edited <https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1#>
And we are almost there : From Mtoto to Mzee ; The new book by Mervyn
Maciel 'author of a precding book 'Bwana Karani' is to be launched Sun July
27th @ GOA Festival.London @ 1:30 pm
We'll have lots of Goan ,East African etc diasporae books , book signings
,Q& A etc with the author and others of the wider Goan etc cultural

Come see us there https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=272262389606965..

Here below please find a brief extract from a review via Goan author ;the
based Selma Carvalho , which will feature on a Goan newspaper
(print and online ) on dates co-inciding with it's release.

Please try to make it for the launch if you possibly can

"Any writing on East Africa is of immense interest, for it is in East
Africa, that the Goan first turned into an explorer and budding
anthropologist with a curious interest in unfamiliar people. It comes as no
surprise, that when that flamboyant British explorer Sir Richard Burton set
out in 1857, with Captain Hanning Speke, to discover the source of the Nile
in Africa, he had with him two Goan cooks, Valentino Rodrigues and Caetano
Andrade, who proved to be extremely valuable and hardy. Not only did
Valentino often assume a leadership role during the expedition having
learnt in no time a smattering of Swahili, but he had also learnt to use
the chronometer and thermometer.

Mervyn Maciel’s knowledge of Africa is almost encyclopaedic and his own
anthropological lens is obvious throughout the book, as in this paragraph:
‘Very much on the same pattern as Lodwar, and because our lives lacked the
variety of a safari, the Goan staff was encouraged to go out into the
interior of the district to relax. We sometimes spent times picnicking at
Lake Paradise, home to herds of elephant and buffalo, and also further
afield to Loiyangalani on the lakeshore where we had to cross the Chalbi
desert. I enjoyed these trips immensely as it gave me an opportunity to
explore the outdoors, meet local chiefs and tribesmen and also engage in
some sandgrouse shooting at the oasis of North Horr. The El Molo tribe live
along the shores of the lake at Loiyangalani and are reputed to be very
poor, living on the lake’s Nile perch and tilapia, and government handouts.’


Come see us there https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=272262389606965..
*GLAM- Goa Literature Arts Music Festival
Promoting GOAN Global -cultural heritage across the 'confluence' of
Luso-'GOA-na' -Indian -African waters , mother-spheres and diaspora/e
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   A.Anthony FERNANDES
   29 minutes ago
    · Like <https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1#>
   - <https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1?fref=ufi>
   A.Anthony FERNANDES
   <https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1?fref=ufi> Pre launch
   sales /reservations now OPEN via (E) rockramb...@gmail.com or
   <https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=805377109486735&ref=ts&fref=ts> or
   # 079-0432-3198
   *From Mtoto to Mzee
   Child to respected elder( roughly translated from the Swahili) is a book
   about t... See More <https://www.facebook.com/a.anthony.fernandes.1#>

[image: A.ANTHONY (Tony) FERNANDES on about.me]

Wishing Well



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