Hi Friends,
Very recently we have 22nd death anniversary of the Konkani Martyrs.During the 
height of Language agitation we new that seven young boys had been brutally 
murdered. Floriano Vaz became the first Konkani Martyr who fell to the bullets 
of one constable  from Gujrat and the six other youths who were tortured and 
murdered/ killed by the bullets of the enemies of Konkani at Adoxim Mandur.I 
had remembered all the konkani martyrs and give this news to all the English 
news paper but surprisingly not a single daily had the courage and courtesy to 
publish or remember them on that day.It is only after request from some quarter 
Herald has published it today dt.29-12-08under title "Konkani Martyrs"
I know it took me six years to highlight the ISSUE of Dr.Jack de Sequeira till 
my organization "Merces Civic & Consumer Forum" managed to organize functions 
like his birthday and Opinion Poll day (16th of  Jan every year) along with the 
activiets senior citizens of Opinion Poll. It was the Gramsabha resolutions 
from Merces Village Panchayat and active support of HERALD Goa is lucky to have 
two Statue of the Father of the Opinion Poll thanks to Dr.Sequeira fly and 
Calangute Sarpanch Mr.Joseph Sequeira. (Nodoubt I will manage to highlight the 
issue of Konkani Martyrs too along with the other konkani lovers from  all over 
the world as I know in democracy the minorities had to work hard to meet their 
demands.In Dr.Sequeira's case it took ONLY 40 yrs for a statue so it may 
require another 18 yrs for Konkani Martyrs to get recognition, M'I  RIGHT ?   

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