That was a most thoughtful and insightful piece

About Goans, who are most anxious to release

Goa from its present woes and  sorry plight,

But have no idea of what a future that is bright

Involves, yet their complaints never cease.

Goans do feel estranged from the Goa of today,

And for the Goa of the past fervently pray.

But can we really turn the clock back?

And if so, how far do we want it back?

Do we really believe we can hold development at bay?

We Goans pride ourselves on our intellect and brains,

The meanest of us has unusual horse sense in his veins.

But that in a sense has been a curse,

As our individuality we cannot reverse,

Which the seeds of disunity sadly contains.

That prevents the rise of one who can truly give the lead,

One whom we can follow in our present time of need,

Taking us to the Garden of Eden for which we yearn,

But somehow the path to which we cannot discern,

And not merely show us how to get rid of every evil weed.

-      Shanti Dhoot


Goa of Our Dreams: Living Within a China Wall - Navhind Times -
by Arun Sinha

Goans feel estranged by present-day Goa...(but)I am yet to meet two people
who have the same formula for saving Goa. And I am yet to meet anyone who
can tell me what to do after saving Goa.


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