This is the link to the ‘The Living Nativity’ organized by Fr. Aamir Bhatti of 
the Catechetical Centre.  All parishes were invited to participate.  Each 
parish had a scene.  Some of the ones that participated were:  St. Jude’s, St. 
Paul’s, St. Johns, St. James, St. Anthony’s, St. Pats.   Don’t have all the 

This was a walk-through play, a journey from the annunciation of Jesus to His 

The play was bi-lingual and held for two days (14 & 15 Dec.) at the St. 
Patrick’s Boy’s school grounds.  The scenes are:

1.    The Annunciation -  Mary at home with her family and the Angel’s 
appearance   -  URDU
2.    The Visitation -   Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth at Zachariah’s 
house, the town of Nazareth and Mary and Elizabeth joy  -  URDU
3.    Joseph’s dream -  The angel tells Joseph to take Mary as his wife  -   
4.    Joseph’s marriage to Mary -   URDU
5.    Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth for Bethlehem -  The town of Bethlehem and 
 market place  -  URDU
6.    The wise men see a star and consult each other  -  Three decide to set 
out to look for the new king  - URDU
7.    Census in Bethlehem  -  ENGLISH
8.    Joseph looking for a place to stay - Mary ready to give birth.  An 
innkeeper offers them a stable  -  URDU
9.    The Magi visit Herod’s Court looking for a new born king  -  Herod 
advises  them to report back to him  -  URDU
10.    The Angel appears to the shepherds announcing the good news  -  ENGLISH
11.    The child Jesus born in a manger -  The three kings worship him - ENGLISH

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