"It is despairingly lonely to look into the mirrors of history and never
find reflections of yourself," said Selma Carvalho, Project Manager and
Curator of Past Lives: The Exhibition, presented by the Oral Histories of
British-Goans Project, the first exhibition of its kind in the Goan
worldwide diaspora. This exhibition hopes to do just that, create historical
reflections for the younger generation while preserving the heritage of an
older generation. 

The exhibition was launched by Flavio Gracias, Company Secretary and former
President of the Goan Association on the evening of June 4, 2013. Following
a welcome speech by Sangeeta Bahadur, Minister of Culture with the High
Commission of India and Director of the Nehru Centre, Flavio in his
inaugural speech outlined the genesis of the project funded by the Heritage
Lottery Fund UK, to chronicle the histories of British-Goans. 

Carvalho expressed the hope that the visual narrative of the migratory
journeys of Goans finds a permanent and larger home in a museum in Goa. 

The enchanting evening of the preview night was made complete by profoundly
moving operatic duets and solos by world-renowned soprano Patricia Rosario
and the rising star Oscar Castellino.  They delivered a stunning operatic
rendition of Aum Saiba poltolli vhetam.  

An impromptu attendance by UK's  Cabinet Minister,  Vince Cable, was an
unexpected and pleasant surprise.

Over a 100 Goans attended the preview night. The Exhibition runs to 14 June.

For 10 photographs of the event, including those of Mervyn Maciel, Ravi Vaz
- President of Goan Association (UK), Flavio Gracias, Oscar Castellino,
Patricia Rosario and Vince Cable at the event, go to http://bit.ly/1b8nJka

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