Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


It made me realize that we often say great things about great people when
it’s too late for them to hear it, and that’s what is really sad. It also
made me realize that I have a chance to say great things about a great man
who is an entrepreneur, social worker and above all a philanthropist, our
dear friend Mathew Braganca from Mapuca, so why not write something about
his accomplishments, then?

 Well, Mathew Braganca is a man of humble beginnings who is known by all
whether they are rich or poor, young or old as he basically has a charisma
to interact with others which is a God given unique trait to him. In every
community within a community, there are leaders. It is these men and women
who rise to the call of their neighbours and loved ones; that tie together
the fabric of their daily lives, and one such man is Mathew who spend a
lifetime of his earning his estimable admiration. To me, personally Mathew
is “un grand bonhomme” or rather an incredible persona - who lives a full
life, a successful life, mostly a happy life, without any regrets.  He is a
man of iron will and a man of unshakable dignity. He is a man of impeccable
intuition; always a leader and yet a constant servant to his love for his
family and friends. He knows the value of money and yet is extraordinarily
generous.  To him, genius is far less important than the moral fiber of the
individual. He always loves putting a smile on people's faces. He helps his
friends and family in any way he can, which in return they love and
appreciate him. He is generous with others also, donating to the community
and inspiring people along the way.

Though he's hit a few bumps along the way, nevertheless he's always taken
the high road, where the bumps are there to give him a better view. He is a
successful businessman, running profitable businesses, but always down to
earth, and simple-natured and this speaks volumes of his character - he is a
man par excellence. He has Construction Company, resorts, villas, tours and
travels and furniture business to his credit. He was instrumental in
establishing Our Lady of Milagres Urban Cooperative Credit Society Ltd and
was the Founder and Director too. Was the Chairperson of Mapuca Municipality
as also President of Mapuca Communidade, he has many more feathers to his
cap which due to the restrain of space I need to end here.

 Mathew’s life is centered on love of God, his lovely wife, son and daughter
who he adores much, his country, his community, and his fellowmen. He takes
great pride in making sure all of his business is operated with good
service, high quality, and with integrity. All these characteristics
reflected his love of life and a very deep appreciation for the many
blessings he has received from the Lord. His love for Mother Mary’s devotion
has taken him to great heights in his personal, business and in his
political career. Hence, he is celebrating the Our Lady of Milagres Feast at
Mapuca (his birth place) for the third time.  May Our Lady of Milagres bless
him and his family abundantly with lots of happiness, love and above all
good health.

His great sense of humour makes him a joy to be around. Mathew does much of
his good works behind the scene; if there is a job that needs to be done he
does it. He never looks for credit or glory; he just wants to do his part to
make things better. He loves the old and down-trodden and seeing their
plight he has an old age home by the name of Three Roses of Mother Theresa
at Colvale.  The fact is no one will ever really know all that he has done
for people and organizations in our society all the good deeds and the
contributions he makes. But it would be safe to say his contributions are
tremendous and substantial and will continue to have a positive impact for
many years to come. He touched many people, and the outpouring of affection
from fans and friends is incredible. Nevertheless, he treats people with
dignity, and appreciates the goodness in them. His life is of great faith
and generosity, a life of service to others, a life of simple joys. Mathew
wouldn’t pass a stranger without saying hello, and to those in need he
reaches into his pocket and hence he is a hard man to dislike a simple and
modest man.  He is intelligent, generous, loyal and honest. He works hard
and encourages everyone around him to do the same. Mathew leads an amazingly
fruitful life—a life of love extended, commitments kept, and faith observed.
His life is of quiet inspiration. He loves sports, music, photography,
hypnotism et al. In the year 2006, he was conferred Bhartiya Vikas Ratna
Award in recognition of entrepreneurship, public service and social work.

But you don't measure the life of a man by simple facts, simply told. It's
been said that you measure it in the truths he learned, or in the times he
cried, in the bridges he burned, or the way that he lives. He learned to be
generous with himself and with his friends. He does not have an unkind bone
in his body. He fills his life with hope, even when there is little reason
to hope. He believes that if you're on this earth, you better have fun. He
is witty and amusing. He is a great man - he always will be to me. His great
achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold,
and these are the achievements of Mathew Braganca.



Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--

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