It is extremely distressing that the High Court had to intervene to rescue a
70 year old whose access to his abode at Dona Paula was being blocked by our
Health Minister Mr.Vishwajit Rane.  If one stoops so low for a mere piece of
land one wonders what vicious battles and wars would be waged to assume
power and authority. I am sure when he turns 70 himself, Vishwajit Rane
would not like to be bullied by a kid. But what you sow, you shall reap Mr.
Health Minister.

Ministers flouting the law with impunity reflects the lawlessness in the
state. Officers who comply with the illegal dictats of those in power are
equally responsible for abetting these illegalities. Their salaries are paid
for by the people of Goa and they should have the spine to refuse complying
the illegal orders of their political masters.

And that the Health Minister Vishwajit Rane is himself residing in a
bungalow that is allegedly illegal as it does not even have an occupancy
certificate is something very serious. So the police security given to him
as a Minister is to protect an illegal structure. Does this augur well for
Goa when even Bihar is moving ahead from lawlessness?

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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