Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 17:50:08 +0530
Subject: Fwd: The UNSUNG HEROES . . ..of Zn-IX .. A Pride in Police Force & to 
the city ... May We have many more
15/03/15 .. Intimation to Hon CM , Hon HM , DG of Mah ,CP of Mumbai . Sub:- A 
FEW WR UNSUNG HEROES ... Of what I have learnt & experienced in my 7 years of 
activism ,West Region postings specially in Zone- IX Bandra ,Khar area is said 
to be lucrative , appeasing & one has to have a God Father as a politician to 
be posted here.I always call this place as a PG 3 posting .. I have seen most 
of them getting attracted to glamour & so and so .... The same area whether 
it's the post of Adtnl CP , DCP or Sr PI's is supposed to be a hot seat. It's 
famous for political high handedness , vigil & vociferous citizens who do not 
lay low when it comes to demanding  justice .Over the years we have faced many 
ups & downs and in some police stations we are still facing it too.The  juggle 
continues ..My personal experiences with police are very bad & many a times I 
have taken on against their high handedness , behaviour ,non-compliance's and 
have staged silent protest too waiting outside police stations all night etc 
... Of course over the past we had some very good officers in Zn-IX like Mrs 
Archana Tyagi , Mr Niket Kaushik , Mr K.M.M Prasanna , Mr Dorje , Mr Ajit 
Sawant for whom till date we have very high regards but Of late , at one time I 
came across three people in hierarchy who I think most of us would like to 
acknowledge . As a teacher ,few years back in a language lesson I had read 
about  a poor sculptor named Jaikishan who sat in a not well lit corner in the 
king's palace busy with his intricate designs was questioned by a visitor as 
"Why are you sitting in such a dark corner making such beautiful carving which 
no one see. .. The sculptor looked up and replied ..." I am comfortable out 
here . I don't know who you are talking about BUT for those whom I am working 
know about it & my God knows it too " . Similar is what I see in Adtnl CP (WR) 
Mr Milind Bharambe who on 24/02/15 received Rashtrapati award for his 
meritorious services in the police force. He has always been a blessing in 
disguise for WR. Congratulations !!!! We wish him success as an IG too. Then on 
13/03/15 , I learnt Sr PI of Khar Mr Dattaray Bharghude succeeded in one of his 
cases where an accused had raped a married woman & judge directed 10 years of 
imprisonment . This Enquiry was initiated when he was a Crime PI in Bhandup. 
Well ,it's very difficult  to continue with such a rigorous followup with court 
& your day to day hectic schedule ...Hat's Off. & now though for a short term 
for around 3 months we have as I/C DCP Zn-IX Mr Vinayak Deshmukh from LA who 
has done his best in his onfield work, resolving issues ,paying personal 
attention on various crime related issues as and  on when grieved citizens have 
approached him right from Bandra to Amboli ...  From last few Sunday's we have 
seen him on field every morning for 2-3 hours on the road  while Equal Streets 
Event is on. He is seen in conversation with public who are for or against the 
event. He is here till 19/03/15 . We thank him for his short benefited services 
.  The above three are feathers in the cap of Maharashtra /Mumbai Police force 
& for me when I realised ,I thought 'Chirag Taley Andhera .' The simplicity of 
the above three and also Jt CP (Traffic )Mr B.K.Upadhyay's dedication,straight 
fowardness compels me to express my thoughts & hope successors or juniors down 
the line too believe in this type of a 'Touch of Class Service' to the 
community . It's not that I have / had no indifferences with the above but they 
have/had always given repeated patient hearing to all our public interest 
issues & did their best in giving us justice too..       We need more of such 
officers who mean work , dedicated & committed to their service , patient with 
citizens who have lost their faith in Mumbai Police ... with the mushrooming 
crime, grug menace, night-life crime we as zone-IX citizen's are always in 
fright or gripes with the thought of who caomes in our area ..Our battle for 
justice will always continue ...    Hon CM , Hon HM , Home Dept , DG, CP 
unanimously should decide on merit based promotions & not hand picked appeasers 
. The nation / city needs such good officers else no one can curb crime if 
criminals are within the force . Such a trisome in heiracynot only makes  good 
team work but also it is a blessing to the community. Citizens feel safe too. 
So till now , I consider ,we are blessed & safe too. Hope it sustains without 
any pressure & same follows in other areas too. On behalf of most like minded 
who believe the above. I sign off .... Ms Aftab Siddique.
09821887020.Chairperson- 33rd rd Khar ALM-144 'B 4 /528 Sadanand Classic ,33rd 
rd Khar ,Mumbai- 400052 ..

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