‘The Goan’, a weekly dated August 25, 2012 has published
story on page 11 that is titled ‘Frozen project, heated debate: Vanxim Island
Project has been stalled but controversies abound’. Third paragraph of the
story is as follows: ‘The project has been opposed by some of the islanders who
feared destruction of houses and agricultural lands. In a special Gram Sabha at
Sao Mathias last year, 154 residents voted for the projects while 84 against.’

There have been gross incidents of distortions in this story.

Distortion no. 1: There was no special Gram Sabha called
last year at Sao Mathias to discuss about the project. The Gram Sabha in which
this issue was discussed was a general Gram Sabha as other issues such as
Garbage plant at Narva was also discussed.

Distortion no. 2: At this Gram Sabha voting on the project
proceeded as follows: ‘Gram Sabha of Sao Mathias that was postponed previous
Sunday took place on 6th November 2011. 234 villagers from the revenue villages
of Narva, Malar and Capao (Vanxim) participated today. This Gram Sabha had
attained importance because of ongoing agitation against RP-2021 showing over
35,000 square meters of Vanxim land under survey number 8 as settlement zone.
This land is a rivulet connected to Mandovi river and has two sluice gates,
mangroves and mud flats. Then deputy Sarpanch and ex-sarpach Tulsidas Kundoikar
sent then Sarpach Lourdes Attaide home and manipulated the entire Gram Sabha.

Then Deputy Sarpanch Tulsidas Kundaikar presiding over Gram Sabha was asked as
to whether Panchayat members including Sarpanch had inspected the survey number
before declaring it as settlement zone. Kundaikar replied that Panchayat
members including Sarpanch had not inspected the survey number 8. Panchayat
were grilled as to why Panchayat had not filed objections to the same.
Kundaikar said that objections would be filed if the Gram Sabha members desires

Entire Sao Mathias Panchayat is Eco-Zone III and no construction of
resorts/hotels are permitted as per the provisions in the Regional plan.  

Panchayat was asked as to whether there was any proposal from any company for
Vanxim. Deputy Sarpanch responded that there was no proposal of any project in
Vanxim with Panchayat. Then members of this Gram Sabha raised a slogans loudly 
Proposal, No vote!’ Yet Kundoikar asked people to vote on the imaginary
project. First the people who opposed the project were asked to stand up. 84
people stood up. Then people who supported the project were asked to stand up.
45 people stood up. Remaining 105 people – members of Mahila Mandals did not
support any side. This voting was carrying on in spite of Panchayat of Sao
Mathias not receiving any proposal on Vanxim from anybody.

Though this voting proved majority of those people voted against the project
the deputy Sarpanch manipulated the results by including those neutral 105 into
the category of those supporting the project. This manipulated result was
shared with media for further bamani manipulation.


One of the TV channels in Goa - Prudent Media- owned by
mining company and bamon Auduth Timblo ran three totally misleading newslines
soon after the Gram Sabha: 1. Majority of Vanshikars support resort project
at Vanxim (This is not true as majority of Vanshikars are opposed to the
project and voting in the Panchayat was not restricted only to Vanxim people in
spite of public demand to do so.) 2. Gram Sabha gives green signal to the
project (This statement is wrong as in the voting 84 people opposed the
project and only 45 supported it. 105 remained without voting. Kundaikar
interpreted those remaining without voting as support for the project and
prudent media headlined it!) 3. Some villagers still oppose (It is
majority of the villagers of Vanxim still oppose).

Vanxim struggle of mulnivasi people against bamon raj is strong and growing. No
amount of false propaganda of bamani media will succeed.’


It must be noted that TV channel owned by Fomento had
indulged in manipulation of public opinion on 6th November 2011 and
now ‘The Goan’, a weekly owned by the same Bamon is carrying on this false
propaganda with the intention of manipulation of public opinion in favor of
bamon interests.

The reason as to why this is happening is that Congress
Party to which then deputy Sarpanch of Sao Mathias Kundoikar is a member, ‘The
Prudent Media’, and ‘The Goan’, all belong to Bamons who are enemy of mulnivasi

It must be noted that this sale of Vanxim carried at the
office of the Tiswadi registrar, Panjim between three Bamons Mahendra Gaunekar,
his wife and Archbishop of Goa diocese Felipe Neri Ferrao is completely
immoral, unethical, and was carried on in clandestine manner in 2006. People of
Vanxim even though are stake holders were not at all informed prior to the
carrying of sale deed nor were they taken into confidence. This sale deed fits
perfectly to the Bamon morality of looting, cheating and betraying of mulnivasi
people of India. Of course this morality is a hallmark of Bamons ever since
these Eurasians invaded India and maintained their invasion till date. 

The Vanxim sale is a consequence of bamons taking control of
the Church leadership in Goa. Bamons have taken control of every religion and
are continuing their mission of betraying mulnivasis people of India in this 
yet cruel manner. This sale is also the consequence of majority of mulnivasi 
not being unorganized; as a result organized minority Bamons are ruling over 
majority mulnivasi people. 

Vanxim sale is just a tip of the iceberg as to how Bamons
are strangulating mulnivasis people through various ways – legal as well as
extra-legal. We mulnivasi people never understood as to how this process of
cheating and betrayal was going on for so many centuries till Bharat Mukti
Morcha started creating awareness about the same in Goa. The awareness is fast
spreading to the nooks and corners of Goa. We are no longer blind, deaf and
dumb in the face of Bamani plunder of mulnivasi people of Goa. Goa’s mulnivasi 
are increasing sensitive to the conspiracies of Bamons, and are articulating 
It is a only a matter of time as to when the whispers of revolt will transform 
roars of Lion to tear Bamon Raj asunder. The process is already on, rivers are
flowing, and thoughts are moving. ‘The Goan’ is only speeding up the pace of
our journey. Ever since this weekly started it has systematically carried on
the media attacks on Mulnivasi people in Goa. In the inaugural issue it was
South Goa’s taxi owners who were tagged as mafia and gangs, in the second issue 
muslims in Goa were tagged as harbingers of terrorists, in the third issue Goa’s
communidades and slums were targeted, in the fourth issue Health care system of 
Goa’s mulnivasis people attacked and in this issue manipulation of public
opinion about Vaxim has been attempted.

Euressian Bamons in Goa are aware that their days are numbered and are rapidly
trying to rescue their sinking canoes. They have pressed panic button and trying
to criminalize the entire population of Goa by collecting their finger prints
and retina samples so that everyone in Goa could be electronically controlled 
the time of revolt. Bamons are doing this as per their age old policy of
infiltrating and sabotaging of mulnivasi organizations and initiatives in
increasingly becoming redundant. Last Chief Minister Bamon Digambar Kamat went
to the extent to personally advertizing for Aadhaar card on Bill boards across
highways in Goa. What was most interesting in these advertisements was that
Bamon Digambar was shown holding Aadhaar card of one of the mulnivasi named
Shetye. Why Kamat did not advertize with his own bio-metric Aadhaar card? It was
a message that Bamons Kamat-Nilekani are conspiring against mulnivasi people. 
policy in being carried forward by current Chief Minister Bamon Manohar. Bamons
are hoping that Aadhaar cards are going to rescue their sinking canoe in India.

Bamons are tiny Eurasian minority in India ruling over
overwhelming mulnivasis. Bamons are foreigners ruling over mulnivasis. They are
ruling over all of us via policy of divide and rule, like how they orchestrated
fight amongst mulnivasis on 25 May 2011 at Balli, Quepem and got two mulnivasi
youth killed. It was Bamon engineered fight between two groups of mulnivasis. 
people are fast learning about as to how they are being used and discarded,
exclusively for the Bamon interest.

Bharat Mukti Morcha campaign to dislodge Bamon Raj continues
all over India and spreading across the country. Yet it is not reported in
India’s Bamon-Bania media due to their caste and class interest. Bharat Mukti
Morcha has understood the Bamani method of destroying mulnivasi people and is 
necessary steps in this direction. Bharat Mutki Morcha invites mulnivasi people
to join nation wide agitation for liberation. 15 August 1947 was the liberation
of bamons in India, while 50 years of Goa’s liberation starting from 19
December 1961 has proved to have culminated into Bamon Raj with most of 
parties in Goa being taken over by Bamons who by their nature of Sam 
(co-option), Dham (bribery), Danda
(violence,) Bhed (discrimination) work against interest of Mulnivasi people
in Goa. 

Vanxim struggle of mulnivasi people is very inspiring struggle
of mulnivasi people against Bamon Raj that has its tentacles spread in numerous
institution of society. The root cause of our problems lies in caste and jati
system that is social system created by Bamons, for the benefit of Bamons. Its
solution cannot come from political system. Social system can be changed only
with revolt against Bamons and their social systems of caste and jati. Bharat
Mukti Morcha continues to stand in defence of Mulnivasi people of Vanxim in
this struggle against Bamon Raj. 


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