[Goanet] Medium of instruction - Hera'd's Opinions rigged and distorted.

2011-04-01 Thread pinheiro

I can vouch for your statement (I have evidence to prove from Vodafone 
BlackBerry), and it is not just Tomcat but Sunjay Gupta too.  For your 
information now every thing is rigged form MOI to Mining issues.

Everything is PAID NEWS.



[Goanet] Medium of instruction - Hera'd's Opinions rigged and distorted.

2011-04-01 Thread SOTER
Yet another Opinion that remains unpublished in Herald's game of 'Manufacturing 
Consent'. But this letter was publised in Gomantak Times on 31/3/2011. Fr. 
Romualdo D'souza s.j. has rightly exposed the mischief.

"We get to read of noises from a bunch of misguided priests and nuns blaming 
the Church for polarising Goans on the medium of instruction issue at the 
behest of politicians. Do they mean to say that noises over other issues taken 
up by various groups against corruption, Swiss bank accounts, mining and for 
special status to Goa are secular and not influenced by political interests?  
When people started agitating against mega projects some elements claimed that 
the Church is behind the noise as it fears that christians will be outnumbered 
in villages. We convceniently forget that Goans were polarised on religious 
grounds during the Opinion Poll and the Konkani agitation. The very same 
mergerists are now on the bandwagon for claiming special status to Goa as it 
suits their political interests. 

Is the demand for grants for primary education with English as the medium of 
instruction a concern of only one section of the community? Is it that only 
christian children avail of English medium primary education in private 
schools?  Does every issue raised by the Church in Goa need to be endorsed by 
the majority community for it to be secular and non-divisive? Are the various 
rights issues of the oppressed and marginalised that are taken up by the Church 
also communal?

As to me, there is no doubt that the Church committed a collosal blunder 20 
years ago by opting for primary education in Konkani without wide 
consultations. Perhaps it sunbscribes to the preconceived notion of the konkani 
fundamentalists that Goan Christians are 'denationalised' and need to be 
nationalised by imposing the language, that too in devanagiri script. "

-Soter D'Souza