[Goanet] More schlock from the GBA

2010-03-03 Thread manuel tavares
Rajan has exposed the GBA for what its is. A stooge of the ruling politicians 
who will dance to the tune of their masters. We need a strong and determined 
opposition who are not afraid of these corrupt politicians and who can stand up 
to them and challenge them at every opportunity exposing their corrupt deeds so 
that they are stripped naked and people can see their deeds for what they are. 
The upcoming elections should then be contested for every seat so as to throw 
these scoundrels out of office. The outcome should reflect the disgust of the 
people and hopefully elect honest and trustworthy people who have the people's 
and Goa's interests in the foreground and who will be held accountable by their 
deeds to the people who elected them. I had suggested in previous posts that 
anyone who seeks election to any public office should be required to declare 
his or her assets on assuming the office and on exiting the position just like 
in the U.S. Wives and close relatives' assets should also be kept in check to 
avoid backdoor corruption. This will dissuade persons who may have thought of 
seeking election to office in order to enrich themselves at the peoples' 
expense from seeking election..  

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] More schlock from the GBA

2010-03-02 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

I see that Reboni Saha has offloaded some litter in today's 
Herald (03/03/2010).  She asks, "Are you serious, Mr. Chief Minister?"

Well, Ms Saha, why SHOULD he be serious?  When the
GBA had the govt on the mat in Dec 2006, the GBA leadership
drove the movement into a ditch, and with it the Goan
peoples' aspirations.  Now why are you lamenting that 
the CM is not taking GBA folks seriously?  Your ex-convener 
"danced footsie" with the CM.  How come you have no 
questions for Oscar Rebello?  

You people didn't have anything to say when
we - Soter & I, in particular - raised uncomfortable
questions.  Now why are you threshing about like
a punch drunk?  Digu and Co. KNOWS that the GBA 
is toothless.  You still expect him to give you folks
seriously?  Were you guys born yesterday?

I hear that Arvind Bhatikar is back at the helm of GBA
affairs.  Unlike Oscar, he did not dance footsie with Digu.
Instead he danced the hula with Digu in broad daylight,
if only you GBA punters had the sense to look in his direction.  
And now this one-eyed jack is going to plough for us Goans 
a bold new path to wonderland?  Wow.  All the old stinking 
rotters of GBA are still in place.  Why should the outcome 
be any different this time around?

I see that GBA is now threatening Version 2.0 of the
TCP-Ahmad Morad-Digu merry-go-round.  Take some
jalebis for Morad.  Who will play Digu's valet this time?
Is Sridhar Kamat still available for the role?

Ms Saha also tells us about the "stirring" of the
"insider-outsider debate."  I wonder on which planet 
she has been spending her time.  First of all, it is no
longer a "debate."  Furthermore, whatever it is is certainly
not "stirring" - "raging" is more like it.  But how would
she know?  For that you have to talk to the common
fellow.  Not some Leftie columnist in Herald.  You cannot 
try to run over a people and expect them to play dead.
Hospitality has its limits.  When a young Goan man
coming out of college can no longer afford a place in
his own village, you know something is deadly wrong.
With ghatis are coming out of the wazoo at every
village corner in Goa, you know that Goa as we know
it is on its way out.  Yes, the days ahead are not going
to be pretty.  Welcome to reality.



So now you are again going