From: b sabha <>

From: "Krishnaraj Rao" 

28 March 2016: An activist friend named Abbaas Naqvi (9892000098) wrote in 
October 2012 about BMC's modus operandi of defending illegal constructions in 
return for bribes. Abbaas wrote this in the context of his experiences in Malad 
P-North Ward of BMC/MCGM, where he and some other activists (such as Shahnawaz 
Shaikh 9867768070) were trying to get the municipal officials to take genuine 
action against illegal constructions (especially TV studios) sprouting in the 

Like Abbaas and Shahnawaz, dozens of activists are fighting an uphill battle 
against errant BMC officials who take undue advantage of their official 
position. These activists are frustrated and are losing hope because 
authorities take no action against errant officials, even when written 
complaints and evidences are submitted.

Civic officials are decking the city with illegal structures and defeating the 
town planning by abetting illegal constructions violating Development Control 
Regulations. Vast No-Development zones are goldmines for officers dealing with 
unauthorized construction and violations by builders.

Below, I am reproducing an edited version of Abbaas‘ writings. However, as I am 
convinced that this is largely factual, I personally take full legal 
responsibility for writing it.

Experience of citizens who complain to BMC’s P-North Ward Building Proposal 
Dept. and/or Building & Factory Dept:

  *   BMC officials boldly fabricate lies, engage in buck-passing and misguide 
the complainant to protect unauthorized construction and offenders.

  *   The officials buy time to “fade“ the matter. They protect the 
unauthorized construction by lengthening the procedure of investigation etc. 
Matters are deliberately “faded“ with long delays, repeated instances of 
inaction or inadequate action, and ignoring complaints. BMC officials who flout 
the law are getting away by bribing other authorities. Our civic body turns a 
blind eye to ongoing illegal construction activities, while common tax-payers 
are deprived of basic amenities and facilities.

  *   There is non-responsiveness and inaction e.g. not issuing timely notice 
based on the complaint.

  *   The officials take actions that are designed to fail e.g. issuing notice 
but not taking follow-up action.

  *   They adopt time-wasting tactics to allow statute of limitations to lapse 
due to inaction.

  *   They use loopholes i.e. take undue advantage of rules, laws and 
procedures to subvert the proper functioning of administrative machinery and 
lawful intent.

  *   They cause mental & physical harassment i.e. malafidely use their 
authority and administrative machinery to cause fear, distress, inconvenience, 
loss of time etc. to the activist / complainant.

  *   Targeting and victimization of the complainant, often taking selective 
action with malafide intent to persecute the complainant. If the activist is 
persistent, he may receive implied threats to stop the follow up of complaint / 

  *   False cases of extortion are filed against persistent citizens, and they 
are sometimes branded as "habitual complainers" or "professional complainers" 
by the police and municipal officials. Some unofficial lists of such 
"complainers" are floated among municipal officials, damaging the credibility 
and social standing of the citizens named in the list. Those named in the lists 
find it difficult to get a police complaint registered even if they are 
physically attacked by goons. They are discriminated against even at RTI appeal 
proceedings, and public information officers find it easy to get away with 
denying information in response to their RTI applications.



Tricks used by officials against activists:

  *   BMC officials sometimes reply that site complained against is not 
traceable by them, and so, they invite the activist for a joint visit. During 
the site visit, the henchman of the land-grabbers or illegal construction mafia 
get a chance to surround, threaten and thrash the activist.

  *   Sometimes, BMC officials falsely claim that action has already been taken 
against the unauthorized / illegal construction. Often, such “actions” taken by 
BMC officials are an eyewash, enabling them to create fake records of “actions 
taken” in the Demolition Register. Demolitions are carried out in a 
half-hearted manner, and quite often, the contractors or builders / occupiers / 
owners are being forewarned about these “demolition drives”. Within few days of 
such “demolition drives”, the owner / contractor / builder / occupier rebuild 
and resume business-as-usual.

  *   There are lots of cases where unauthorized work was detected but action 
not taken.

  *   In other cases, action is taken but not pursued vigorously, defeating the 
intent of the law.

  *   In many cases, actions is pursued in a defective way so as to ensure that 
the action fails to yeild results. In other cases, the action is withdrawn or 
dropped unauthorisedly without competent sanction

  *   It appears that the BMC officials are illegally parceling off open 
No-Development Zone plots and CRZ plots for unauthorized construction. Every 
success at land-grabbing further emboldens the land mafia-BMC official cartel.

Krishnaraj Rao


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