Mum’s moving tribute to Goa bike tragedy victim

By Catherine Lynagh
Friday, 3 December 2010
Accident: Susan Robinson

A Northern Ireland woman who died in a traffic accident in India this
week told her mother she was “having a ball” just hours before her

Susan Robinson, from Bangor, died at Goa medical college and hospital
after suffering serious head injuries in a motorbike accident.

She has been described by her mother Rosemary as a “caring and
outgoing” young woman.

The 33-year-old was on a six- month excursion to the Indian coast when
tragedy struck on a routine night out.

Her mother said she left Northern Ireland on October 12 to pursue a
lifetime dream and had settled in very well — recently acquiring an

“She just wanted to see the world. She was having a wonderful time,
she was really enjoying herself,” she said.

On Monday Mrs Robinson received two phone calls from India.

The first was to be the last conversation she ever had with her
daughter. The second, only hours later, was devastating.

“She called, like she always did. She was in good form and was chatty.

“She told me she was heading out to a film festival that night and was
being picked up by her friend,” Mrs Robinson told the Belfast

Just a matter of hours after speaking to her mother Susan was involved
in the fatal road accident.

The Times of India newspaper has reported that Susan was a pillion
passenger when she fell off the motorbike and hit her head on the

The paper reported that Vasudev Krishna Bagkar (30), who was riding
the motorcycle, has been charged with rash and negligent driving.

He mother said she has felt in “limbo” since hearing the tragic news.

“It is terrible, it is such a shock. I am very up and down emotionally
at the moment,” she said.

Susan used to work in the family jewellery shop and arts and crafts business.

Describing her daughter, Mrs Robinson said: “She was a full of life,
outgoing and a very caring young woman.

“She loved working with children on summer schemes and has touched so
many people’s lives.

“She also enjoyed working in the family business and will be dearly missed.

“She had lots and lots of friends. So many people have contacted me,
and I have received lovely letters.”

She added: “The local shopkeepers have been very kind and sent us a
bunch of flowers. We have also had a constant stream of cards and
phone calls.

“We feel like we are in limbo and will feel like that until we get her
back. We are hoping her body will be flown back next week.

“Her friend identified her and collected her belongings, so no-one
from the family needs to fly out there.”

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