DATED: 26 August 2020


98% recovery shown as between 55% to 70% on Goan Dailies since May, happening 
all over India
(Active Contractions included mistakenly in Recovery Rate % calculation)

If the word in the headline was left up to your imagination, it reflected on 
the ethic of the journalist writing it, even if not meant in a bad way at all. 
This is also how stigma works. WORDS MATTER ! (Missing alphabets mentioned 

If all media houses without ETHICS, call us cases, COVID patients, victims, 
suspects and stigmatise us till death, what stops us from writing whatever we 
want ? Being sensitive is about journalistic ethic, and has nothing to do with 
any restriction on any freedom of speech, but Goa's media houses ignored this. 
So will freedom of speech back their published calculated figures of 60 to 70% 
as recovery rate ? Mathematics with their own figures and correct variables 
doesn't back this up. No doubt we were focusing more on increasing contraction 
when we should be curbing deaths that may happen with our 1 or 2 % as the 
priority, as these very media houses with figures reported.

These very figures are still glaring at us from these very dailies (Times, 
Navhind, Herald, Goan, Goa News and all others who publish such reports), even 
now. Their very figures say 98% only if calculated. But for all those who read 
as was published (60 to 70%), the concern was OBVIOUSLY the remaining 40% and 
hence the panic. We apparently blindly accepted this in our anxious moments 
maybe; funny as it is.

The concept of understanding the math to get percentages is something we learn 
in school. Its no different here. This needs no expert. See for yourself, this 
is not an opinion, its math - common to the whole world. No one can argue 
otherwise. Here, the required figures were clear, just that the wrong ones were 
used to calculate the percentage.


Just dividing Total recoveries from Total contractions will NOT give recovery 
rate. This is the misinterpreted calculation giving us 60 to 70. Simply because 
from the Total Contractions, one has to carefully subtract the currently active 
contractions as these have NOT recovered. Once these are taken away, we get 
'Closed contractions' (only the fully recovered).

The division can then take place where Total Recoveries are divided by Closed 
Contractions to give you the percentage of recoveries.

While the source websites do not give the percentages, this obviously points to 
the calculation. The error is missing the variable of active contractions. 
These bogus figures apart from 98, are printed by default since April, simply 
due to faulty variables in calculation.
Had we known this earlier, would it have saved us some trouble is a question 
left to answer to all those readers who saw, maybe even quoted these, yet did 
not mentally register this. This proves a possible 'Fear Pandemic' given our 
mental health status. Thankfully, numbers don't lie; rest assured !


All deaths in Goa are with comorbidity as per media. To catch the bull here by 
its horns, at least now, if anti body tests are done, this plasma bank can help 
save lives, also claimed by the Health Department. This also means, while 
'increasing' was the worry, FROM NOW onwards, the more the increase the more 
beneficial this is for plasma donations. Here, the 98% confirmed recovery 
game-changer actually REVERSES the worry to a benefit instead.

The rest is helping everyone to fight this, with one's mind and positivism, and 
to create this environment from all aspects. Our diet and general health 
lifestyles are all that we can add to this. Condescending tones may have to go.


- Vaccine rat race pharma drama ends here !

>From just one particular region in Goa, "already about 500 over 70 years with 
>all sorts of comorbidity have FULLY RECOVERED" was confirmed by ward 
>counsellors. A lab reported a 70-year-old with bad lungs due to chronic cough 
>since 8 years, diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 
>recorded three times the minimum required anti body count. Doctors confirmed 
>that vaccines would be of no use for all such recovered anyways. A 
>misconception to be cleared respectfully here, is that vaccine is only an 
>immunity booster and NOT a cure. Plasma therapy can safely be relied to get us 
>through as per our own medics.

To be in a position here to judge this better, it would be nice to note here, 
that in the very ethics document provided to all Goan media editors from a 
notification from W.H.O. on ethical journalism and use of sensitive words, was 
this line clarifying that vaccine stories can add to the fear, that media had 
to be sensitive about this -

'Emphasizing efforts to find a vaccine and treatment can increase fear and give 
the impression that we are powerless to halt infections now. Instead promote 
content around basic infection prevention practices, symptoms of COVID-19 and 
when to seek health care'

To erase past fear from misguided and coverage without ethic, especially in 
social media, hopefully the newspapers will help NOW, as all they have to do is 
use 8 words correctly to pass a COVID ethic test with their much-enjoyed 
freedom of speech. As vaccines stories are no more in the picture, when human 
immunity has helped 98% of us.

EXITING A FEAR PANDEMIC - soothing the EQ and IQ !
For the decision making about worrying or not, with anything related to 
COVID-19, the choice here is between what we know and what we don't, what we 
can control, and admitting what we can't. The MAIN goal ultimately is for 
everyone to recover, with minimum death. Recovering from fear and stigma is of 
utmost importance to make matters good for ALL aspects.

The grey area (after trial and error for 6 months to review from) was the rate 
of contraction increasing inspite of masks and social distancing - our only 
measures. This uncertainty has led to chaos and further stigma due to these 
very measures, including 'enforcement' which is DETRIMENTAL to our mental 
health in a pandemic. While social distancing NOT WORKING with us has been 
repeatedly ignored and denied, the W.H.O. and many more have confirmed masks 
INCREASING contraction rate without a proper risk assessment impact study to 
rule out counter productivity viz-a-viz productivity. This was the 
responsibility of decision makers of mask policies. Wet masks for instance are 
extremely counterproductive. Maybe we rethink when we see a mask on the road 
and ask ourselves - 'who will pick this up ?' After all, ALL LIVES DO MATTER !

While we hold our heads as we now realized that there was a lot more hype than 
was required, especially with the part about flaunting one's over cautiousness 
or over protectiveness, the reality is 98% recovery and thus way less 
dangerous. The only way ahead now is recovering from the fear after this point, 
accepting certain points as suggested above (only due to this revelation game 
changer, not me) and make a positive environment the only element mandatory 
everywhere, starting with front line workers. Since its 98% plus since 4 
months, this includes 'maybe' opening the economy and comforting the confused 
tourists (sometimes invited, sometimes not). Having a nice laugh about how we 
got scared while we ALL went through this simple oversight is what is most 
prescribed by mental health standards. Going back to music entertainment in our 
lives to MAINLY de-stress and Atithi Devo Bhava. No fear. Stay positive. Be 
part of breaking the fear chain !

P.S. - It's **DG**. More info on FB page called PLAN C - with sources. Please 
acknowledge this as source for any referencing. No charge. Names of Goans who 
quoted in this article cannot be revealed due to stigmatization in the current 
soon-to-exit FEAR PANDEMIC as we now focus on MENTAL HEALTH and helping the 
human spirit.

ARTICLE CREDITS: Everyone. Nothing is an original idea.

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