In the interest of Goa (I believe so) Sonia's feel good touch opened the
lock (which lock no one knows till date) which was closed for almost Six
days creating panic environment in Goa. Going by the methods employed to
open the lock it appears that the attempt is just temporary and that deadly
Dead Lock appears to have been ordered for re-designing to Task Force! The
flavor of this new design, with Task Force members being thrilled for
activating them, has already started traversing length and breadth of Goa.
To keep thinking, speculating as well as to prevent new design taking shape
let me through one hint - Regional outfits in Goa are as good as disappeared
leaving lone regional MGP, three national parties (OR better, should I say
Two National Parties as Congress and NCP are allies). MGP may find way in
any one of the two national parties, meaning there will be direct fight
between two deadly rival National Parties, leading to a clear cut
separations of Goans on political line cannot be ruled out. 

Can one speculate what's going to happen there after? It's going to create
more tensions to Goa, when Goans are striving to achieve and maintain
communal harmony! OR is it that Sonia Formula is only up to taking revenge
of what she and Baba Rahul at 37 lost in Gujarat! 

Folks, please stop your acquisitions to fellow members who are posting their
view . take hints and clues from all posting....assimilate for yourself
without involving second person to understand what's posted ...rather take
time to find solutions to up coming social war in Goa, which is already put
on agenda and is on Card and on Calendar! 

Before that don't forget, Sonia on ground reality - achieved what she wanted
in Gujarat - again a foreigner tied up with indigenous Rahul - Quatrochi is
still scot free. 

You all can continue disputing! Raising responses !!  Raising questions!!
Raising every thing possible under your personal command. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

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