Goa board decision is not in isolation as  CBS E has already announced
such a decision
The uncertainty of schedule is impinging heavily  on the mental psyche  of
the students community. Besides the anxiety of parents is palpable  too.
How long can the students maintain concentration and focus and be ready at
short  notice.May be the intelligent students are at  some disadvantage.
Wonder if there will be failures to count.  Finally all are relieved of
tensions ,anxieties  of uncertain schedule.The third wave is believed to be
dangerous to children, as the virus has to latch on to Survive.The,
seniors, adults,youth, Frontline worker's  are being protected and herd
immunity is likely to set in..  Hence children the most vulnerable target
cannot be exposed to rhe risk of exposure  to examination by crowding in
confined spaces over 3 hours duration
It is time to think about mass public examination with common exam for
comparison. ALL the ills,leakages ,mass copying,i corrections
,impersonation  ,associated with public exam must receive serious
consideration. BEsides administrative , mass  correction and tabulations
hiccups can be avouded. The glory of comparison ,honours  as toppers may be
a set back of sorts.One standard paper for all rural  urban  students is
certainly  not the best way to asses performance. How does one compare ,
,grade students from different Boards
Excessive importance is atached to the final results with modification of
weightage to internal  marks, which appear subjective  due to personal
bias, leniency  or favouritism .If the student has to skip final exam due
serious reasons  like death in the family  ,sickness , accident, it means
loss of academic year.
Extraordinary circumstances demand extraordinary solutions, this is
definitely a welcome move As envisaged rightly an entrance exam,however
imperfect  may help to weed out and select  from a wide contestants  and
such screening test  may held at each institutional level. ITwill also
reduce the strain of competition  and public recognition as cream of
toppers, sometimes even with a negligible margin
Change is always apprehensive to accept, but just now there is no other

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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