ROSA D'SOUZA  (MoicaVaddo - Pilerne)
Died:  12 Nov. 2007   (Age : 70 Yrs.)

Wife of late Peter D'Souza , Sister of Angelo Correia (Pilerne Marra)
Aunt of John/Flora Correia & Fly. - Mumbai
Josephine/Julius Fernandes & Fly. - Goa
Winnie/Anthony Fernandes & Fly. - Dubai
Bento (Dubai)/Mingueline Correia & Fly. - Goa
Funeral: 13th Nov at 4.00 to St. John the Baptist Church. Pilerne

Our Prayers to Almighty God.

Eternal Peace grant Unto her Oh Lord And let Perpetual Light shine Upon her
          May her soul Rest in Peace.

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