2019-07-13 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The people of Goa are so distraught and very disgusted with the recent 10
Congress MLAs overnight joining the BJP for the lust of power and pecuniary
gains. They have not only let down their party but selfishly and cunningly
betrayed their voters and supporters. Yet again some of our devious MLAs
have proved that putting their personal needs before the common good of the
people with the welfare of Goa not being a priority. Goans have witnessed
political chicanery of the highest order. These 10 MLAs need to be
politically castrated for having taken the people of Goa for a ride.

In May this year during the campaign for the Panaji Assembly Constituency
by-election, the BJP and Chief Minister Pramod Sawant while raking up
Babush Monseratte’s criminal antecedents had accused him of being a rapist
and that the women of Panaji would not be safe if he was elected as MLA.
Will the Chief Minister Pramod Sawant tell us if he is comfortable with the
very same alleged ‘rapist ‘now in his cabinet? Mr. Pramod Sawant has proved
once again that he cannot be trusted and that his words are meaningless hot
air uttered to fool the gullible. Equally, the Panaji MLA Babush Monseratte
as recently as the 2nd of  July was complaining and condemning the very
same Chief Minister Sawant and the previous BJP MLAs of Panaji in public
and on social media for the neglect of Panaji and not wishing to have any
transparency in the Smart City Projects. He lamented that the CM was
trampling on his right to conduct a review or progress meeting within his
constituency. Babush Monserrate said and I quote ‘This is nothing but an
act of trickery by the CM to hide the Smart City Scams from the people of
Panaji. The Hon CM continues his quest to keep IPSCDL as a mystery property
in possession. He has chosen to keep all Panjikars along with me in the
dark on his obscure mission’.

Given such serious accusations from both sides, one wonders what could have
changed in less than a week? It seems that these utterances with a forked
tongue was nothing more than a smoke screen to fool the gullible. The only
people kept in the dark about the treachery and betrayal being hatched at
the same time were the people of Goa, that they are answerable to. During
the whole of April and May 2019 every slogan and banner from Babush
Monserrate had the Hand symbol Vote for Congress next to his image begging
the people to elect him with the various promises that he would deliver as
a Congress MLA. Not one had a symbol of a musical chair or the letters BJP
inscribed on them.  The lust for power and the greed of crores of rupees
made both to take leave of their senses and to exercise their abuse of
power at the expense of the democratic right of the people that voted in
good faith.

The Anti-Defection law was enacted to bring some sanity in the manner in
which the elected MPs and MLAs function, but very sadly over the last many
years Goa has led in innovating and devising devious ways of circumventing
the anti-defection law.

MLAs are elected to serve the public, but this latest mob of defectors have
again proved that they have only served themselves. This calls for
immediate strengthening of the Anti-defection law to ensure that a handful
of corrupt individuals are not allowed to destroy peoples trust and faith
in democracy by playing musical chairs with peoples’ precious votes and
lives. Goans are mature enough to always remember this act of treachery and
smart enough to never trust this gang of ten and their accomplices again.

Besides hanging their heads in shame, these arrogant self-serving MLAs
would do well to remember the natural law of KARMA. One day it will get
back to them. They will feel and experience the same U-TURNS that Goans
have been made to feel today by their callous selfish betrayal. Devious
selfish people that create their own Drama deserve their own Karma!

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2018-08-05 Thread John Eric Gomes
It is reported that MLAs have unanimously without discussion given themselves a 
hike of 77% in their salaries and allowances!  This means increase from the Rs 
one lakh/month to Rs 1.70 lakhs/month together with all the perks like free 
transport with driver, travelling/entertainment allowances etc, with 
constituency allowance of Rs90.000/- and so on. No wonder they are not 
interested in working to bring prices down but  heartilessly increase the taxes 
levied, charges and surcharges at every turn everywhere for the citizen, not 
the least bothered with his tightened budget!  With inflation at 6-7%, this 77% 
increase is not only indecent but immoral, not to mention illegal because this 
practice of making unilateral decisions by themselves in a democracy that 
benefit themselves  without consultation or discussion is not right! I wonder 
if they have a conscience when reportedly State run corporations are not yet 
given the previous 6th pay comission hike, strike called by the Kadamba 
Transport, salaries and dues of others not cleared in time and so on. 
Considering their performance in the Assembly, besides Parrikar (despite his 
health limitations) and a few other MLAs, do they honestly deserve such 
salaries? Why are we tolerating all this quietly? Why are most of us accepting 
being ruled rather that served?


2014-01-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues

After Tourism Minister Dilip Parulekar and now the Speaker Rajendra Arlekar
exposé it is incumbent on the Vigilance department of the Goa Government to
keep a tab on the real estate and other assets being acquired by the
Ministers and MLAs in their name besides benami, in as much as it becomes
an offence punishable under Sec 13 (1) (b) of the Prevention of Corruption
Act 1988 if the acquired assets are disproportionate to their known source
of income.

The assets and liabilities of all the 40 MLAs of Goa which they had
submitted to the Lokayukta last year must be uploaded on the government
website. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar will just not dare do this. And
the reasons are very obvious.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372


2010-07-20 Thread John Gomes

We would request our honourable members in this monsoon session to please note:
1)The Legislative Assembly is a sacred democratic institution.Do not desecrate 
it by unparliamentary actions and behaviour. 
2) Debate and pointed brief Questions and relevant Answers should be the 
norm.Please no speeches,talking out of turn/together same time,or out shouting 
to win arguments.
3) Discuss with PRIORITY our burning issues and lay down implementation 
deadlines UNDER PENALTY for non compliance:
    a)Garbage control and Civic Duties. Goa is becoming a Hell 
from the Paradise it was. Roads and public areas are smelling,littered with 
garbage,cow dung,stray cattle and dogs menace. Monkeys proliferation and big 
cats danger in villages need attention
   b)Unsustainable development,illegal mining, overloaded 
infrastructure w r t  water,electricity,sanitation and traffic control
   c) Law and Order,Politicians-Police-Criminals nexus
   d) The River Princess cleareance which delay is now a time 
bomb whose shards will pollute all the  famous beaches in North/South Goa if it 
disentegrates due rust and heavy seas, rendering the waters unsafe.
   4) Please do not pass Bills concerning us without due transparency, our 
knowledge and our feedback.We are proud of our Democracy.
 5) Remember our national emblem has engraved :Satye Mayve Jayathae.Do no let 
truth be hidden, manipulated or buried. Good Legislators make truth powerful 
and power truthful!

[Goanet] Remo- Dump all 40 current MLAs into sea

2010-04-30 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Dear Melvyn,
You are obsolutely right that good guys contesting elections is almost ruled 
out bcos of lack of funding. But no individual or party has ever displayed 
intent to cleanse our rotten political and administrative system. 
A good individual can become bad subsequently due to lure or bad advisors. But 
what if we can have systems, such that even a bad guy would not be able to act 
Let us take an example: Bad regional plan was crafted by bad people three years 
ago. GBA acted (more important: not merely twitted, wrote or advised) to get it 
scrapped two years ago. But this scrapping was done by intervention of the new 
CM (an individual), who wanted to build his image as a good guy. Over a time he 
created his image and had firmer hold on his chair. He then started diluting 
his commitment for a good regional plan. GBA has branded him as lier and are 
trying their best to pressurise him again to revert to the good regional 
The constitution has given us remedial system: The judiciary. But judiciary is 
too slow particularly in Goa. One reason could be that almost all efficient 
advocates are entangled in mining web. It is this mining from which the current 
political disposition draws its wealth and clout. Due to huge fees paid by 
mining companies the fees of advocates have sky rocketted just like huge funds 
required to contest elections.
So for all good guys: Cannot cotest elections (no legislative say) and cannot 
hire efficient advocate (no judicial remedy). All this because costs of both 
have gone high due too much money in mining, without commensurate efforts, 
investments, risks or Know-how.  
Now coming back to having systems such that even a bad guy cannot act bad. I 
feel this is the need of the hour. Any suggestions?
Rajendra Kakodkar 9822101450
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 Melvyn Ferrao melvyn.fer...@gmail.com wrote
Subject: [Goanet] Why boycott elections or contest them?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I think the possibility of Camillo contributing to Samir Kelekar's election
fund is zero. That is true not only of Camillo but of everyone involved in
cribbing about current politicians. If any of these people start out to
contest elections, they will themselves manage to gather no funds. This
means everyone of these guys will boycott elections but will never contest
them. So for eternity we will have people daringly stating that all
politicians should be drowned. This also means we will have a bad government
like the current one over and over again for us, our children and their

What would be worthwhile is to unitedly go for the better alternative party
which has proven themselves in Goa in the past instead of boycotting

Melvyn Ferrao


2008-04-10 Thread Shanti Dhoot

Message: 3 of 9 Apr 2008
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Study or pleasure Tour -- 3 Goan Ministers to tour Australia

Study or Pleasure Tour -- 3 Goan Ministers tour Australia

..is it possible to get a
detailed budget of the amount these three ministers
would spend on this foreign jaunt...



Three MLAs from Goa will soon, bound for Australia, board the aircraft,

One of them wanting to know about the industry dealing with handicraft.

I am sure many will, like me, begin to seriously wonder,

Whether any handicrafts are at all produced down under.

Nor could they teach us any lessons in the pernicious art of graft.

- Shanti Dhoot


2008-04-09 Thread Shanti Dhoot
Message: 1 8 Apr 2008
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Study or pleasure Tour - 3 Goan MLAs to tour Australia

The below news appeared in the Goan dailies of today,
it is such a eyewash...i dont understand the logic as
to why these tours are called study tours instead of
pleasure tours...

QUOTE Three Congress MLAs heading three-government run
corporations would leave for Australia tomorrow on a
10-day tour to study good governance of the corporate
bodies there. UNQUOTE



When MLAs visit salubrious climes and call it a study tour,

Few will believe their pious claims, I am sure.

Do they really have to go all the way to Australia

To learn about governance - in their official regalia?

How long must we such despicable shenanigans endure?

- - -  Shanti Dhoot